Animals Live In Ultimate Fear

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The role peoples’ lifestyles and diets play are immensely important. Some might say, “our choices of what we eat and how we choose to live are only affecting us”. That is where they are disproven by statistics and facts. These statistics and facts are thorough and show that humans’ choices not only affect them, but every living being around them. This is why it is so important to live a lifestyle that will only bring positive effects. Vegan lifestyles must be more widely adopted because of the environmental benefits, health benefits to humans, and the elimination of animal cruelty. Animal agriculture and factory farming play a large role in causing destruction to the environment. “Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.” (Goodland & Anhang). Livestock and animal agriculture are responsible for a lot of the environmental damage. The emissions from the factory farms are continuing to deplete the environment. These emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases will only continue to grow and infect the air if animal agriculture continues. “Livestock production is the largest methane source emitter in the world and the third largest in the United States” (Shepherd). Methane is a dangerous greenhouse gas that contributes to the global warming of the earth. These methane emissions come mostly from manure produced by the animals on the farms. This manure also leads to other sources of environmental depletion and damage. This graph shows the effects of animal agriculture and factory farming on the environment. We can clearly see by these high percentages how these practices are negatively affecting the environment. (Von Alt). “According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, to produce one pound of animal protein it takes about 12 times as much land, 13 times as much fossil fuels, and 15 times as much water as it does to produce one pound of soy protein” (Kramer).

In order to produce a pound of this animal protein, so much needs to be taken from the environment. This point proves again that the cultivation and production of animal products damage the environment much more than foods to support a vegan diet do. Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, water pollution, and habitat destruction. “Wild animals suffer not only the collateral damage of meat-related deforestation, drought, pollution and climate change, but also direct targeting by the meat industry.” (Center for Biological Diversity). Animals that are native species to the area are often targeted and killed in order to protect the livestock, and therefore the profits from the meat and dairy industries. In order to protect these profits, ranchers will even go to the extremes of having a federal agency, “Wildlife Services”, kill the predators or threats in order to be able to expand their farms. Habitat destruction is also caused by the need for land expansion for factory farming and animal agriculture. Overall, the native species to the areas are intentionally, and unintentionally hurt by animal agriculture and factory farming. “The U.S. EPA determined in the 2000 National Water Quality Inventory that about 40 percent of rivers and streams are impaired, and the leading cause of pollution was agriculture” (Wilson). Manure gets into the water, and creates algal blooms.

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These blooms block waterways and diminish the oxygen in the water. This leads to the death of fish, and many other organisms present. The manure also contains high amounts of ammonia which is extremely harmful to fish. The animals on the farms are often given heavy doses of antibiotics and hormones in order to speed up the meat and dairy production process. Once the animals produce manure, the manure then enters the waterways and the oceans. This manure that enters the water can also reach humans, therefore posing a big safety threat. The effects of animal agriculture and factory farming present major issues to the global scheme, and will continue to if something does not change. A non-vegan diet and lifestyle does not only affect the environment and it’s surroundings. It also affects humans. A non-vegan diet causes health issues for the human body and leads to illnesses. “Eating animal fats and proteins has been shown in studies to raise a person’s risk of developing cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, and a number of other illnesses and conditions” (Nordqvist). Eating these fats negatively impact the human body, and humans are not meant to consume these products. For example, a female cow’s milk is meant to be consumed by the baby calf, in order for the calf to grow and receive the nutrients it needs.

When a human drinks milk, they are consuming cholesterol, fat, and antibiotics. Meat, dairy, and eggs contain high amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat. These fats build up, and can eventually lead to heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S. “Animal products are loaded with bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, dioxins, and a host of other toxins that can cause serious health problems in humans” (PETA). When humans consume these animal products, they are endangering their bodies with bacteria, and other things that can harm them. Some bacteria can cause illnesses like food poisoning, E. Coli, and can even lead to death. Cows and other such animals are often filled with hormones and antibiotics in order to be able to mass produce animal products. These antibiotics contain drugs that are not meant for humans to consume, and can lead to health issues and disorders in the long run. Pesticides are also common in animal products and can cause things like cancer and birth defects in humans. All of the issues and dangerous health concerns mentioned would be solved by adopting a vegan diet. A vegan diet is the healthiest and most beneficial diet for humans. “Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes contain no cholesterol and are low in fat, especially saturated fats. They are also high in fiber and other nutrients” (Nordqvist). Humans can receive all the vital nutrients they need everyday from plant foods. These foods are high in vitamins, fiber, proteins, and other essential nutrients. A vegan diet is linked to providing so many benefits for human health such as weight loss, healthy skin, longer life span, and more energy.

A study was conducted that showed that men who had biopsy-proven prostate cancer, then transferred to a vegan diet, were able to stop or even reverse their cancer. “One such study, published in Nutrition Journal in 2010, looked at the mental health and mood of vegetarians and meat eaters. This study found that vegetarian study participants had healthier mood profiles, and were less likely to report depression, than study participants who ate meat” (Sands). This study proves that people who eat vegan diets are more likely to feel happier and positive. These people also experience less anxiety, stress, and overall have a better mind set. There is extensive research that proves that a vegan diet will not only boost mental health, but can cure mental illnesses like depression. The meat and dairy industry widely encourage and promote animal cruelty. These industries exploit and hurt animals in order to produce “food” for humans. On today’s factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and stuffed into wire cages, metal crates, and other torturous devices. These animals will never raise their families, root around in the soil, build nests, or do anything that is natural and important to them” (PETA). Animals who are in factory farms are tortured, abused, and slaughtered in order to mass produce their products. Animals rights are taken away from them as they are forced to live most of their lives without even breathing in non-toxicated air. These animals live in ultimate fear and torment as they are crowded and cramped in tight spaces together. These animals are also genetically-manipulated in order to grow and produce more product than they are naturally supposed to. “Like animals of all species, cows form strong maternal bonds with their calves, and on dairy farms, mother cows can be heard frantically crying out for their calves for several days after they have been separated” (PETA). These quote strongly adds to the point that animals are stripped of their natural rights as living beings. In Article 3 of North Carolina’s statutes, the Animal Welfare Act is located. In my own words this act states that animals need to be treated with humane care. (NCGA) The meat, dairy, leather, etc. industries extremely abuse this law. They are mistreated and most definitely not treated humanely. The government knows about factory farm abuse, yet turns the other cheek to it. Why does the government make laws against animal cruelty, yet continue to support the meat, dairy, leather, etc. industries? Why is an animal’s life deemed as unimportant? What or who gave humans the right to take away lives of innocent animals?

These animals suffer and experience immense trauma through their lives in the food industry and it is unacceptable. Part of this suffering that the animals experience does not begin externally, but internally. This is by the process of genetic modification. Animals are genetically modified in order to produce a certain kind of product. “Many people do not realize that the breed of chicken used for modern egg production is different than the breed used for meat production… Each has been strategically bred for hyper-production: egg-laying hens for high egg volume, and “meat” chickens for maximum breast meat. Both types suffer from severe physical problems brought on by genetic manipulation” (ASPCA). Animals are genetically modified in order for them to be able to produce a certain kind of product. Chickens grow unnaturally and very unproportionally due to the immense amounts of hormones they are given. When these animals are modified, this negatively impacts their health. For “meat” chickens, they are often given hormones to increase the size of their breasts, and their other body parts lag behind on the growth process. This means that once their bodies are disproportionate, they are often not able to even carry their own weight. This leads to issues like broken bones, and sometimes, death. Animals, much like humans, have and experience emotions, therefore shouldn’t be abused. “Today, most scientists agree that all vertebrate animals — mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish — are, to varying degrees, sentient. A rich and varied collection of research has made the evidence impossible to dismiss” (Balcombe) Animals have their own feelings and they have emotions. Many humans don’t take this into consideration when eating animals or their by-products. When they are put through traumatizing experiences in factory farms, they experience immense fear and sadness.

“These gentle giants mourn the deaths of and even separation from those they love, even shedding tears over their loss” (PETA). The mother cows and their calves have an extremely close bond after the calf is born. The calves are taken away from their mothers right after birth, and this quote shows how this experience affects the animals. They do not want to be separated, and they have emotions, so what gives humans’ the right to take that away from them? To conclude, veganism needs to be adopted in order to benefit the environment, human health, and in preventing animal cruelty. “Thankfully, more and more people–from celebrities to athletes to legislators–are leaving meat off of their plates and embracing delicious vegetarian meals. Eating veg meals has never been easier or more tasty, with meat-free and vegan options widely available around the country. There are even cruelty-free versions of traditional favorite foods, such as veggie burgers, almond milk, vegan chicken nuggets, and soy- or coconut milk-based ice cream” (Kramer). This quote shows that there are many options to eating a very delicious vegan diet. There are many substitutes available for people who still enjoy the tastes and textures of meat and dairy, but want to remain on their vegan diet. This refutes the idea that there is “nothing to eat” on a vegan diet. The wide variety of options will satisfy everyone who is on a vegan diet. “All of these factors, plus the health benefits of eating less meat, have led some of the world’s preeminent governmental organizations to encourage a worldwide reduction in meat consumption” (Kramer).

Some government organizations have recognized that the meat and dairy consumption of people is negatively affecting their health. They are advising people to reduce the amount of meat they eat in order to benefit their health. In addition to this, animals will stop being exploited and used for food, and this cruel industry will come to an end. The environment will thrive off of people having a vegan lifestyle, and so will humans. “In 2009, a tiny one percent of the US population reported eating vegetarian or vegan. Now, 5% of the United States population is vegetarian and half of those people are vegan” (Watters). That is sixteen million people. This quote was said in an article written two years ago. People not only in the U.S, but all over the world are becoming more aware and educated on veganism. They are also making the ethical connection necessary to live a vegan lifestyle. If now currently over sixteen million people (just in the U.S alone), are thriving off of a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, that proves that the lifestyle is perfectly sustainable. Overall, people need to go vegan for many reasons. A variety of research has heavily proven that a vegan lifestyle will not only benefit health of humans, but alongside this it will help the environment, and ethical treatment of animals – in other words abolishing animal cruelty.

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Animals Live In Ultimate Fear. (2022, May 13). Retrieved from

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