My Friendship Story with Jessica, Skylar, and Anthony During My Senior Year in High School

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Class of 2016, this year is my senior year and I plan on making it the best that I possibly can. In high school my favorite class had to be TV production. During my time in that class I didn’tjust make new friends I made long term friendsi Jessica, Skylar, and Anthony truly made my senior year and I am forever great full. My friendship with Jessica sort of started in ninth grade when we met in production, but really when Jessica decided to take up soccer for a year. To this day I can say Jessica is a true friend, we’ve had our ups and downs like all friends, but we’ve always bounced back, Jessica is actually the one who introduced me to Skylar. Growing up with those girls was a different experience I will never forget all of the music videos that we’ve made or the times we‘ve humiliated ourselves on camera and it was shown to the whole school! None of us cared because while being in school getting the grades that we needed to get, TV production was like a free period for us where we had no worries just laughs.

In a blink of an eye senior year is already here The big year where after this year we will eventually all go our separate ways I knew that I had to make this the most memorable year of them all. Slowly, TV production was on the up rise with new members trying to get into the club which meant more friendships to come and right they did Anthony joined the trio fitting right in, Anthony was always the cameraman, Skylar and I but mostly myself were the script writers, and Jessica and I were the actresses. We all knew our parts and we worked great togetherr It was within senior year that I realized that my feelings for Anthony were growing rapidly, but I was scared to be rejected so I kept it quiet for a while Graduation day has finally come and we are all now official alumni of Charlotte High School class of 2016 Summer of 2016 was wild Jessica and I hung out every day except towards the end when I started to hang out with Anthony more and more.

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It got to the point where Anthony and l were hanging out with each other every single day twice a days Finally, I dug deep and got the courage to share my feelings with Anthony only to hear him say that he was scared to tell me he felt the same way forjust as long if not longeri.  The end of summer was the best, I was happy and still am. College is right around the corner and my nerves are through the roof Picking classes was a nightmare, I was so scared I wouldn‘t get into the class that I wanted or that my FAFSA wouldn’t go through in time, but Jessica and Anthony were right there helping me along the way because they were in the same position. College started and Skylar drifted off because of her boyfriend and school, which is okay it’s a part of Adulatingi Skylar still checks in on me from time to time.

As I said we eventually would part our ways and it started with Skylar moving Jessica, Anthony, and I decided to stay and attend FSW for two years and then transfer to universities Skylar transferred to UCF in Orlando, Jessica is planning on going to FIU in Miami, Anthony is still undecided on where he would like to attend, and I plan to attend USF in Tampa. All I can come to say is that my senior year goal is complete. I made so many friends during the last year and all my other friendships grew even strangers Grades were the best they ever were, I got coaches award for soccer, I was the most involved in school by going to all the games, and joining clubs, At the end of the year I even got myself a boyfriend, So I’m pretty sure that I can say senior year rocked and I’m ready for whatever else is in store.

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My Friendship Story with Jessica, Skylar, and Anthony During My Senior Year in High School. (2023, May 18). Retrieved from

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