Compare and contrast the several form of municipal government

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According to Bush G. (1983) in the 11th Chapter of his classical work, there are principally two optional forms of municipal government: the council-manager form and the council-mayor form, also known as the strong mayor form by some authors. However, a city or town may choose other traditional forms through voters, which is often referred to as an alternative form.

In both the council-manager and council-mayor options, legislative and executive functions of government are clearly separated. The council-mayor form operates like that of known Federal and State systems with a legislative branch and an elected executive – a mayor. There may also be a fourth, fifth or sixth form based on different flavors of appointment for the mayor.

In the council-manager form of government, there is a legislative body that is typically elected. This body often hires a professional executive officer, also known as the city manager. The alternative form of government, which is the third option for towns and cities, can be experienced through an election where the people decide to exercise their voting power. This type of election may occur during integration or through a special election organized for this purpose. Once this form is chosen, it cannot be stopped or changed except through another election.

From my point of view, the council-mayor form of government appears to be the best due to the existence of both legislative and executive functions.


  1. Bush, G. (1983). Local government in New Zealand. In M. H. Bowman & W. Melbourne (Eds.), Local democracies: A Study in Comparative Local Government. Longman Cheshire.

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