Define the term ‘consent’ in adult social care

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Consent in health and social care settings often requires individuals to give their agreement for various activities or the provision of care or treatment. This can include agreeing to shower or bathe, giving consent for medication, and even sharing personal information with others.

Person-centred values play a vital role in the work of social care workers, as they emphasize the significance of giving individuals top priority in their care and support plan. This enables them to have control over their own lives rather than just being recipients of a service. By embracing person-centred approaches, care workers empower individuals, focusing on meeting their specific needs instead of merely completing tasks.

Person-centred planning is a method that allows individuals to work together with their trusted friends and family members to plan for their current and future desires. It is important for everyone to have the chance to take charge of their own lives and be involved in decision-making processes that impact them. Additionally, it is vital for everyone to have the freedom to be part of their community and live according to their own preferences, while also receiving personalized assistance. Person centred care and support are backed by eight values, including individuality.


By following these values, we can achieve a thorough comprehension of the individuals we collaborate with. This encompasses their requirements, culture, methods of communication, preferences, family, and other professionals engaged. With this knowledge, we can advocate for and offer person-centred care and assistance.

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Define the term ‘consent’ in adult social care. (2016, Jul 17). Retrieved from

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