Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

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The development of technology has made communication easier, from the invention of the telephone to the present-day usage of the internet. The internet has become an essential tool for people to communicate with others, play games, browse the web, and share files. With its benefits, such as online shopping, e-commerce, and medical support, it also brings disadvantages such as spamming and viruses that can damage the system. People must be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of the internet to fully utilize its potential.

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The telephone was invented to facilitate communication beyond our immediate surroundings. However, technological advancements gave rise to the Internet, which is now extensively utilized. The Internet is a valuable resource enabling swift and effortless communication among individuals. It can be accessed via computers or mobile phones, enabling connection regardless of geographical location. Furthermore, the Internet serves multiple functions including gaming, website browsing, chatting, file downloading, and file sharing.

The internet has revolutionized the shopping experience, offering a diverse selection of products across various websites. Customers can conveniently buy or place bids for their preferred items. Moreover, online financial transactions have gained popularity, playing a crucial role in e-commerce and streamlining international business agreements.

Transferring money has become fast and easy, with a simple click allowing you to send funds anywhere. However, some services may have fees. Furthermore, the internet offers a variety of other services such as booking travel tickets, making hotel reservations, and enjoying your favorite movies. It also provides medical assistance through specialized websites.

Spamming, a major issue caused by the internet, involves sending unwanted bulk emails and links to people. These emails can range from advertising to random bulk emails and may contain harmful viruses that can corrupt a system. Besides potential harm, spamming is simply irritating.

Many individuals choose to annoy others on Facebook by spamming them through the simple act of clicking “like” on their statuses or comments instead of sending emails. This action results in sending notifications to others and can be extremely bothersome.

The internet has also brought forth viruses that can cause significant harm to computer systems. Numerous websites are infamous for distributing adware, viruses, and other malicious software that can considerably slow down or even damage computers. To conclude, society is currently experiencing a technological boom, and individuals can choose to embrace or ignore this era. Despite its numerous advantages, the internet is a potent tool that individuals must be highly cautious of due to its disadvantages.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet. (2016, Sep 13). Retrieved from

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