Factors Affecting Effective Communication

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Nonverbal Communication

Self-Growth states that around 90 percent of communication is nonverbal, which implies that a person’s body language may not always correspond to their spoken words. To effectively communicate with someone, it is crucial to be aware of the proximity between both individuals as standing either too close or too far apart can cause discomfort. It is also advised to refrain from engaging in distracting actions like tapping your foot, shaking your leg, or continuously scanning the surroundings while conversing. The key to successful communication lies in ensuring that one’s body language harmonizes with their verbal message.


Preparation is key in effective communication, whether it’s through text messages or casual conversations. It is crucial to think ahead about the message and how it will be delivered. When possible, taking notes and being ready for questions and guidance is important for lectures, presentations, or business meetings.

Understanding Your Audience

When communicating with a non-target audience, it is important to take into account the listener’s background and adapt language and body language accordingly. When speaking to experts in your field, there is no need to explain basic concepts. However, when talking to high school students, it is not recommended to assume prior knowledge. Adapting to your audience is crucial for a successful exchange.

Effective Listening

Both precise and persuasive speaking, along with active listening, are essential for effective communication. Maintaining eye contact and attentively listening to others is crucial for responding directly and thoughtfully, instead of relying on preconceived statements. By practicing attentive listening and mutual learning, individuals can improve their communication skills, leading to more efficient and authentic interactions.


Communication is significantly influenced by the surroundings, whether it’s a formal meeting room or a busy eatery. Distractions, discomfort, or tediousness can arise in such situations. It is crucial to communicate in an appropriate environment that provides ample space, comfort, and pertinence to the subject at hand.

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Factors Affecting Effective Communication. (2016, Oct 26). Retrieved from


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