Definition of Peace Education

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The definition of Peace Education, in my opinion, is challenging to determine precisely. However, it is important to consider the context in which the definition originates. In the African context, Peace Education must acknowledge environmental threats such as global warming. Global warming has significantly affected various regions worldwide in recent years. Educating people about the causes of global warming and establishing strategies to minimize and ultimately eliminate its detrimental effects on humans, animals, and plants on this planet can contribute to achieving economic growth, political stability, and a healthy population living harmoniously among themselves and their neighbors.

Peace Education should aim to teach individuals cultural values, virtues, and norms that are essential for mankind’s survival through peaceful coexistence. It is crucial to recognize that prosperity is only attainable through peace, which involves respecting, accepting, being open-minded, and showing empathy towards those in need. Therefore, Peace Education is a means to increase awareness of the causes of threats and promote effective prevention methods.

The permanent state of fear in which people live raises a human rights question. By implementing Peace Education, individuals can learn about these ongoing threats and the potential for violence. Peace education offers strategies to prevent such situations from occurring. One example that highlights the impact of climate change is the eruption of a volcano on Island, which affected Kenyan farmers in the agro-business industry. These farmers cultivate flowers for export to European countries. Due to the eruption, European-bound airplanes were unable to reach their destinations, leading to the closure of many businesses. Consequently, employees were indefinitely forced to stay home. This economic setback significantly affected families who relied on their salaries from these companies.

Overall, the lack of global awareness regarding the dangers of global warming will lead to increased challenges for individuals in both developing and developed countries. Peace education aims to cultivate critical thinking and analytical skills while promoting cooperation. The development of cooperative abilities is crucial for effectively addressing life-threatening global issues. However, traditional formal schooling often fails to foster this skill. Additionally, individuals who possess self-assurance and a sense of self-value are better equipped to collaborate and solve problems. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether students can develop a secure perception of themselves through their educational experience. Therefore, it is essential to examine how schools can help children learn cooperation and build self-confidence.

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Definition of Peace Education. (2016, Jun 23). Retrieved from

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