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Essays on Sex education

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Essay Examples

Teen Pregnancy Nowadays

Sex education

Teenage Pregnancy

Words: 1285 (6 pages)

With teenage pregnancy being ever prominent, it is very important for teenage girls and boys to have access to birth control in order to avoid an unintended pregnancy. Birth control and sex education is a controversial subject in many communities. The type of comprehensive health education or sex education information made available to teenagers through…

Baby Dumping Among Teenagers in Malaysia

Sex education


Words: 639 (3 pages)

Nowadays, Malaysia is facing a serious issue regarding on baby dumping which getting more chronic and cause a lot of attention. This social problem can be seemed on all type of media such as newspaper and mass media. For the past few years there are many new born babies have been found, dead or live…

The Controversy Over Abstinence-Only Sex Education Programs

Sex education

Teenage Pregnancy

Words: 1348 (6 pages)

In this paper we will attempt to discuss the political controversy over abstinence-only sex education programs in our schools. Teen pregnancy and childbearing bring substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children. The advantages (which there aren’t any) and disadvantages, and the effect it has on the…

Teenage Pregnancy in Malaysia

Sex education

Teenage Pregnancy

Words: 4508 (19 pages)

Teenage pregnancy remains a persistent problem, evident in news articles such as “The trials of teen mothers” and “Teen probed for throwing baby from window”. Regrettably, numerous young women in this situation, lacking the emotional and mental readiness required, turn to drastic measures to abandon their infants. It is crucial to acknowledge that engaging in…

Should Sex Education be Mandatory in School

Sex education

Words: 947 (4 pages)

It is in no way we avoid learning sex or sexuality, it is just how, when, where and from whom we learn. According to a Joint UNFPA, WHO and Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe, the concept of “holistic sexuality education” is defined as, “learning about the cognitive, emotional,…

Conveying Sex Education to High School Students

Sex education

Words: 1306 (6 pages)

The argument on whether sex education is needed in the curriculum of high school students in the Philippines or not is one of the hot topics during the year of 2018. There are mixed reactions about it when it was brought up by the Department of Education, some wanted sex education to be part of…

Should Sex Education be Taught in Schools

Sex education

Words: 490 (2 pages)

There had been numerous talks about over this. They say that sex instruction as it were crushing the ethical quality of individuals since they think that sex instruction educates understudies approximately how sexual intercut is done. In spite of the fact that sex instruction brings down the profound quality of individuals by educating understudies how…

Condoms at School

Sex education

Words: 649 (3 pages)

Wow, this is a loaded question for me. Now I’m not naïve nor ignorant when it come to this subject what so ever, and I can make arguments for both pro administrators providing condom and against administrators providing condoms, which I am against the idea, but I could possibly be bias just due to the…

Sex Education is Essential to the Education System 

Sex education

Words: 742 (3 pages)

“Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die! Don’t have sex in the missionary position, don’t have sex standing up, just don’t do it! Okay, promise? Okay, now everybody take some rubbers.” Everyone remembers this iconic quote from Mean Girls right? As funny and crazy as it sounds this kind of language around…

Significance of Sexual Education

Sex education

Words: 1374 (6 pages)

Of course. Like in most coming of age movies and shows, today’s teenagers are obviously adapted to either one of two distinct sexual lifestyles: highly virtuous or extremely confident and promiscuous. In contrast to the mass media and such interpretations of pubescent sexuality, the Netflix show, Sex Education takes a spin on various pre-conceived notions…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Sex education

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How is sex education defined?
Sex education is high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics related to sex and sexuality, exploring values and beliefs about those topics and gaining the skills that are needed to navigate relationships and manage one's own sexual health.
What is the importance of sex education?
Sex education is designed to help young people gain the information, skills and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and sexuality throughout their lives. Sexuality education has positive effects, including increasing young people's knowledge and improving their attitudes related to sexual and reproductive health and behaviors. Sexuality education – in or out of schools – does not increase sexual activity, sexual risk-taking behaviour or STI/HIV infection rates.

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