Napoleon: Hero Persuasive

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A hero is defined by their visionary mindset for a brighter future, their proactive approach to realizing that vision, and their unwavering determination to overcome obstacles. Throughout history, there have been many individuals who have risen as heroes, including Charlemagne and Alexander the Great. Napoleon Bonaparte emerges as an exceptional hero during the 18th century French Revolution era. Within French society, he is highly regarded as a heroic figure due to his arduous journey towards acquiring power and his resolute defense of France. Moreover, he successfully accomplished political and economic unity and stability in one of Europe’s most influential nations at that time.

Napoleon was not only a remarkable leader but also a dominant war strategist. He is revered as a hero for his defense of people’s rights and freedoms, establishment of an impressive educational system, and reconstruction of France. His exceptional military skills earned him the status of one of the most esteemed French leaders and heroes in history. Napoleon started his military career as a junior officer in the French artillery where he gained recognition for his commitment to duty and efficiency.

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Napoleon, a passionate man, consistently endangered his own life to protect his comrades, showcasing his heroism and solidifying his status as a brave individual. He rarely made foolish decisions despite risking his life for many individuals. Undoubtedly, Napoleon was a natural leader, often taking charge in the most challenging circumstances to safeguard his comrades, which ultimately made him an exceptional war strategist. He was not inclined to passively observe; instead, he actively participated.

Assuming the responsibility of combat, he once again demonstrated his ability to perceive and counteract threats in order to protect France. Later, as a military general in Italy, Napoleon intervened and restored the French army’s former glory during a difficult war. In a decisive battle against Austria and their Piedmont allies, despite being outnumbered by 63,000 soldiers to his own 38,000-strong army, Napoleon employed superior military strategy to crush them and liberate Italy.

The text highlights Napoleon’s exceptional skills as a war strategist and praises him as a heroic figure. One of his remarkable achievements was the establishment of a civil code that remains globally influential. This code ensured equality before the law for all individuals, regardless of their social status. Life under Napoleon’s rule was significantly improved compared to under previous regimes. In regions influenced by Napoleon, people were considered citizens rather than subjects. Although the wealthy had more influence, citizens still held some power in electing government officials.

In Napoleon’s regime, life remained challenging for many, but the significant change was that individuals could now improve their social status regardless of their noble lineage. Napoleon Bonaparte offered opportunities for employment based on specific skills and expertise. In contrast, in other European countries, unless one held noble status or possessed sufficient wealth to marry into nobility, they were limited to a life of mediocrity and hard labor at best. However, under Napoleon’s rule, everyone had the possibility to attain their desires based on merit rather than their family background.

When discussing claims of Napoleon’s cruelty and injustice, it is crucial to consider that he determined an individual’s future based on their social status and lineage rather than personal achievements. Both the French Revolution and Napoleon played significant roles in shaping France’s development. In the later stages of the French Revolution, General Napoleon Bonaparte achieved victories in battles, which earned him immense popularity and admiration among the French citizens. This was mainly because he was portrayed as a savior of the Revolution. In 1799, he took part in a coup d’etat that established a three-person consulate, with himself serving as the first consul.

Under the newly established system of government, Napoleon held most of the power. On December 2, 1804, First Consul Bonaparte took on the title of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, and his grip on the government became total. While Napoleon is often remembered for his military skills, he should also be recognized as a great leader in history. His goal was to elevate France to become Europe’s leading nation. To achieve this objective and revive France, he initiated projects such as rebuilding churches, creating banks, improving roads, and reforming the legal system.

After assuming the position of Emperor in December 1804, Napoleon became more interested in enhancing the educational system. His aim was to achieve various objectives through this new system. One objective was to establish a highly educated elite class capable of effectively governing both the nation and military. Additionally, he sought to promote the growth of the middle class, ensuring their prosperity and subsequently increasing their compliance with the law. This quickly became one of Napoleon’s top priorities upon seizing power.

Despite being seen as a hero by many, Napoleon’s desire was to prevent his people from rebelling and causing unnecessary disorder. However, there are others who perceive him as a tyrant and argue that power corrupted him. For example, his expedition in Egypt can be seen as evidence of this corruption. Napoleon invaded Egypt for frivolous reasons, solely seeking renown. He chose to invade a country without firearms or the means to produce them, where he could not obtain supplies due to the destruction of his ships upon arrival. As a result, this ultimately led to his downfall.

Napoleon’s conquest of Egypt was driven by their lack of effective means to combat firearms. During his stay in Egypt, Napoleon conducted research on its history, which was largely unfamiliar to Europe. In order to promote his expeditions, Napoleon employed various forms of propaganda by bringing artists along with him. However, despite his rule over Egypt, Napoleon ultimately lacked the necessary resources to sustain it, compelling him to flee due to the threat posed by the Turkish army. Consequently, Napoleon abandoned his army of 35,000 troops, leaving them to fend for themselves.

When Napoleon came back to France, he displayed his art collection, presenting it as a triumph. While some view this act as extremely cruel, others contend that it was essential. During that time, the French government was disintegrating and Napoleon stepped in to avoid complete chaos. Without his intervention, another Reign of Terror might have occurred. Thus, some argue that his actions were for the greater good. Despite being called a tyrant by certain individuals, Napoleon’s choices ultimately protected France’s interests. To conclude, Napoleon Bonaparte can be perceived more as a hero rather than a tyrant.

Being the leader of France, Napoleon’s sharp calculations and strategic brilliance earned him the esteemed title of a hero. He effectively brought about unity and stability in France, both on political and economic fronts. Additionally, he bestowed rights and freedoms upon individuals, introduced an extraordinary educational system, and rebuilt the nation. His courageous deeds in warfare combined with his skillful leadership demonstrate unquestionable heroic attributes. Despite his comparatively small physical stature, his heroic legacy continues to be immense.

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