Mao Zedong
We found 7 free papers on Mao Zedong
Essay Examples
Chinese Oil Paintings in Three Periods
Mao Zedong
Chinese paintings are one type of the oldest continuous arts in the world, which can be traced back to thousands years ago. Beginning with painting on stones and china, or in caves, to silk and papers with ink and brush, millions painters innovate Chinese paintings in different ways. For instance, the earliest Chinese paintings were…
Analysis of the Chinese Modernization Program
Mao Zedong
Introduction The modernization strategies that have been put in place in China and are being practiced tend to have no economic benefit at all. For more than two decades the program has been showing less and less desirable outcomes, contrary to what the countries administration wanted to achieve. Until the late 1970s, China was under…
China History: The Long March
Mao Zedong
On October 16, 1934, 100 000 Chinese Communist troops set out on a 6,000 mile trek from their base in Kiangsi.1 This trek, later to be known as the Long March, began after Chiang Kai-shek and his Nationalist armies (the Kuomintang) frustrated the Communist organization in Southeast China. The Long March was a difficult journey;…
Chinese Culture Research Paper China consists
Chinese Culture
Mao Zedong
Chinese Culture Essay, Research Paper China consists largely of two major sectors of the economic system: Agribusiness and Industry. China ’ s oldest and biggest sector of economic system is agriculture. Harmonizing to Chinese statements, approximately 75 per centum of the full Chinese labour force as of 1980 was engaged in agribusiness. The agribusiness is…
Visit of President Nixon to China
Mao Zedong
On February 21 1972, President Richard Nixon became the first United States President to visit Communist China. The Chinese leader then was Moa Tse-tung. This was at the height of the cold war. Walker opined that by then, the world was bipolar with the two centres of power being the United States and the Soviet…
Mao Zedong Hero or Villain?
Mao Zedong
Through out all of history we have seen so many heroes and villains all over the world. But one place in particular was in China, with a leader who goes by the name of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was a well-known communist leader in china who actually lead the Chinese Communist Party. He is one…
Mao Zedong Genocide
Mao Zedong
The genocide that took place during Mao Zedong’s rule in China is by far one of the worst genocides in history; worst being in terms of lives lost. It is estimated that Mao Zedong more than quadrupled the death toll of that during Hitler’s rule in Germany. From 1958-1961, which was known as the Great Leap Forward, the most…
Frequently Asked Questions about Mao Zedong
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