Othello Essay Topics & Ideas
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Shakespeare’s play Othello was written in 1604. The author took the work of Giraldi Chinito “The Venetian Moor” as the basis for the plot of the tragedy. This is a sad story about lost trust, love, the meaning of life.
Desdemona escapes with the Moor Othello to secretly marry. Iago, Lieutenant Othello, wants to take revenge on him for the fact that he was appointed lieutenant, but Cassio. He tells Desdemona’s father about his daughter’s flight, but he blesses the marriage. Othello is sent to Crete, Desdemona goes with him. There Iago assures Othello that Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio, and arranges everything in such a way that the general believes him. Eaten by jealousy, Othello kills his wife, but after death, he learns that she was unfairly slandered. He commits suicide.
Tragedy teaches that one should not blindly follow the lead of one’s feelings, that all impulses must be supported by the arguments of reason.
How to Choose Essay Topic on Othello?
There are many ways to choose a topic for your essay. The most important thing is to think about what you want to say, and how you want it to come across.
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular ways people choose their topics:
- Choose a topic that interests you personally. This can be a great way to get started because it will help you feel more passionate about your writing, which is an important part of being able to make it interesting for others as well!
- Choose a topic that you already know a lot about, like one of your hobbies or interests that has been around since childhood (like playing sports). This can be helpful because it means that you won’t have to spend time researching something new before starting on your essay—you’ll just have to focus on organizing all of your thoughts into one coherent paper!
- Choose a topic that has been covered by other writers in books or magazines so that you don’t have to do everything from scratch yourself! You can use these sources as inspiration for how much information should include in each section (i.e., introduction, body paragraphs) but then add in new ideas or perspectives based on what YOU know about the topic too!
Tips on How to Write Othello Essay
- Don’t just summarize the plot of Othello. You need to analyze and critique it as well.
- The play is about a lot more than just jealousy and trust issues, so don’t try to make it all about those things.
- Make sure that you know who wrote the play and when it was written, because that might change how you interpret it.
- Don’t just describe what happens in the play—explain why it matters and how it works in context!
- Remember that Shakespeare’s plays are always meant to be performed on stage, not read on paper, so think about how they would have been performed in his time instead of just reading them as if they were novels.
✒️ Argumentative Othello Essay Topics

Unlike many of Shakespeare’s plays, Othello wasn’t adapted during the Restoration period
- ‘Exceeding Honesty’ Investigating The Heroic Trait In The Character of Iago In Shakespeare’s Othello
- ‘Othello’: A Tragedy of Deception Or A Tragedy of Self-Deception?
- “Aristotle’s Definition of The Tragic Hero and Irony In Tragedy” Oedipus Rex, Othello, and Death of A Salesman
- Character Analysis For Othello’s Iago
- Character Flaws In Othello
- Dramatic Irony In Othello
- Dualities In Othello
- Iago’s Motives in Othello
- Important Quotes In Othello
- Othello and Desdemona’s Romance
- The Role of Reputation in Shakespeare’s Othello
- Gender Role and Tragedy Othello
- My Perception of William Shakespeare’s Othello
- Comparing Shakespeare’s Othello with Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
- The Devil Himself – Iago In Othello
- The Effects of Iago’s Meddling On Othello
- The Figure of The Moor In Shakespeare’s Othello and Cinthio’s Hecatommithi.
- The Moor of Venice: The Skeleton of Shakespeare’s Othello
- The Role of Reputation In Othello
- The Role of Women In Othello: A Feminist Reading
- The Theme of Madness In Shakespeare’s King Lear and Othello
- The Two Settings of Othello
- Othello – Change of Characters
- Shakespeare’s Othello: Love, Infidelity and Loss
- Shakespeare’s View of Women In Othello
- Iago’s’ Motivation in Othello
- Shakespeare’s Play Othello Demonstrates The Weakness of Human Judgement
- Othello Evaluation Act 1 Scene 3, Lines 238 – 270
- Love In Othello
- Manipulation In Othello
- Manipulative Letter To Iago – ‘Othello’
- Racism, misogyny, and ‘motiveless malignity’ in Othello
- The Meaning of Othello
- Iago’S Soliloquies In William Shakespeare’S Play Othello
- Feminism In Othello
- Othello: Coleridge Said That Iago Was A “Motiveless Malignity”
- Othello: He Defencies In Iago’s Character
- Othello: In The Opening Scene, The Play’s Villain, Iago, Openly Declares His Type of Character, His Intentions, and His Motivations
- Othello: The Dramatic Impact of Act 1 Scene 3 and Its Importance To The Play As A Whole
- The Moor as a Muslim in William Shakespeare’s Othello
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In his criticism of Shakespeare’s Othello, Coleridge claims that Iago acted from “motiveless malignity”, stating that Iago’s motives were not at all believable. However he also states that Iago is constantly “motive hunting” to try and make his ….
- Essay on Iago’s Soliloquies in William Shakespeare’s Play Othello
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Othello was written by Shakespeare in the year 1603. It was first performed in court, but not published until 1622. William Shakespeare took ideas from Giraldi Cinthio’s Hecca Tommithi – an Italian collection of 100 stories which were popular at the ….
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Othello’s speeches are covered with romantic and poetic glow and in his speeches we come across with an adventurous hero who grown up in the shade of romance, adventure, war and danger of lifeaction. Since his childhood days he had been a romantic ….
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In the opening scene, the play’s villain, Iago, openly declares his type of character, his intentions and his motivations. All of which then continue to underline each of his actions, as the plot continues to unfold. Through his careful twisting of ….
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This extract takes place once Othello has killed Desdemona and has realised that Iago is behind all the doubt. It is towards the end of the play and Othello is planning on killing himself. Gratiano has just entered the chamber and Othello is talking ….
✍ Othello Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
- Comparing Macbeth and Othello
- “The Book Thief” By Markus Zusak, “Elephant Man” and “Othello
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- Comparing Shakespeare’s Othello with Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
- Character analysis: Iago in Othello
- The Role of Reputation in Shakespeare’s Othello
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Othello Literary Analysis Essay Topics

In Shakespeare’s source material, the only character with a name is Desdemona
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- How Does The Ending of Othello Related To The Ideas and Characteristics of The Text As A Whole?
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- To What Extent Is Othello Responsible For His Own Downfall?
- What Are The Contextual Factors Important To The Study of ‘Othello’?
- What Do We Learn of Othello’s Character Through An Analysis of His Language?
- What Do You Learn About Othello’s Changing Character and Personality Through An Analysis of Language Style and Structure?
- What Is Particularly Dramatic About Act 4, Scene 3 of ‘Othello’?
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Othello Topics About Symbolism

Iago is by far the most verbose character of the play
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- Othello’s Tragic Flaw
- Recognition In Tragedy – Othello
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⭐ Essay Examples on This Topic

There are currently 20 film versions and adaptations of the play
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