Plagiarism Scanner By GraduateWay

Deep search
Get your text thoroughly checked with our plagiarism checking tool. You are offered in-depth analysis and more information with our deep search option.
Accurate reports
Get top quality results using top-notch sofware and algorithms we carefully develop for you. Simply put the text into the checker and wait for the result.
How to Check Plagiarism With Our Tool?
Thousands of users trust Graduateway’s plagiarism checker. What we offer!
- Get a comprehensive report that includes your essay’s average score and similarity percentage that includes a list of sources.
- We analyze a wide range of materials all over the internet to find similar resources and duplicates to your essay
- Analyze highlights and fix duplicate content
- You can check your paper for plagiarism as many times as necessary.
- Makes you 100% sure about copyrights
- We respect the security and privacy of our users.
- Hence, you can use our plagiarism detector without having any privacy concerns because whatever type of text you enter, we vanish it from our database as soon as the plagiarism checking is done.
- Copy-paste text directly to the checker
- Click to Upload and choose proper file from your device
- Our plagiarism scanner supports multile file formats: pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .odt
- Make your content more unique with our tool
- Transform plagarized content into quotes
- Add unique theses to your essay to increase uniqueness”
- Catches minor signs of plagiarism
- See exactly where you have a duplicate in the text by simply clicking the Show button
- Check the similarity index to see what content you need to change
- Correct errors and proofread the corrected text again
Graduateway’s Plagiarism Checker
Thus, a student can end up in a quite unpleasant situation, as the consequences of submitting a plagiarized paper can be abundantly serious. Graduateway’s plagiarism scanner is a unique tool that students can use to prevent themselves from getting into the pitfall of submitting plagiarized work.
Running checks by harnessing copious checking algorithms, this plagiarism checker is capable of detecting not only verbally but also contextually and semantically duplicated content. If you still doubt the propriety of using an online plagiarism scanner below, you will find a guide on what plagiarism is and how hard it might get to avoid it.
As a matter of fact, it seems logical that a plagiarized paper is the one that contains plagiarized work. Yet, modern students have reached a new level of content duplication as they are now able to plagiarize themselves. Free plagiarism scanner by Graudateway is capable of detecting any kind of duplicated content, which is nothing but a student’s attempt at using parts of their old works when submitting a new paper. Of course, everything that was originally written by you is your intellectual property. Nonetheless, have you ever seen a singer writing new lyrics for an old tune, saying that this is a brand-new song? Exactly. Do not plagiarize yourself, as this is a strict violation of the academic integrity rule.
Why Is It Necessary to Check for Duplicate Content?
Well, checking for duplicate content is like checking your health. You want to stay in your prime as long as possible, right? Nobody wants to fall ill just because they’ve forgotten to take a pill prescribed by a doctor. Checking your papers is just like reminding yourself to take that precaution pill that makes sure you will thrive, at least until the next task from your professor.
If one were to search for the best synonym to “checking papers for duplicate,” it would have surely been “preventing the negative consequences.” By the way, let us focus more on what consequences a person can face when being caught on and even charged with copying someone else’s work. You read it right; plagiarizing content can entail criminal liability for the perpetrator.
Legal Consequences
One thing that folks shall start understanding about the propriety of running a check or a test before submitting their paper is that academic dishonesty is nothing else but a copyright infringement punishable by criminal law. Depending on the type of infringement, the court can pass a number of sentences, which can vary between a mammoth fiscal fine and serving time in a penitentiary.
How Does Our Plagiarism Scanner Work?
The working principles of our product are as simple as daylight. When running checks, our anti-plagiarism scanner runs through the millions of websites, literally checking the whole web for coincidences, both verbal and semantic. Copious algorithms are simultaneously at work when you are checking your paper to make sure that no textual or idealistic coincidence is being left out.
Now, everything you have to do to use our platform is to press one button, which is “upload the file.” Just upload your paper into the system, and it will be checked automatically. You can also use our checking window and copy-paste the text from your file directly into it. The two variants are equally eligible and do not impact the efficiency of the uniqueness report.
Why You Should Choose Our Plagiarism Scanner
To be honest, this question (if this is a question) sounds quite rhetoric, as Graduateway’s plagiarism scanner for papers features so many advantages one can only think of. Yet, let us remind ourselves once again why this service is surely one of the best around.
- It’s Free of Charge
The plagiarism scanner online free services are for everybody willing to produce unique content to use.
- It’s Easy to Operate
Who cares about fancy designs when everything they need is a free online anti-plagiarism scanner to provide them with an adequate check of their paper? Graduateway’s plagiarism scanner is indecently simple to use, as it takes three clicks of your mouse to get your paper checked.
- It’s Safe
This detector tool guarantees its customers protection from intrusion into their personal data, as our plagiarism scanner free services envisage automatic customer protection under the privacy policy of our company.
- Technical Refinement
We guarantee the uniqueness of your content checked to the bits, as this is a neoteric plagiarism-checking technology that we apply in our practice. Making use of more than one hundred algorithms, our service runs a detailed check of your text.