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Students’ Questions about History Page 63

We found questions on History

When Is Native American Day?


In the United States, Native American Day is celebrated on the fourth Friday in September. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday in October.

Why Do Native American Live On Reservations?


The United States government established Native American reservations as part of its Indian removal policy. Native Americans were forced to move to these reservations in order to make room for white settlers moving west.

How Many Native American Languages Are There?


There are an estimated 300 Native American languages.

In Some Native American Tribes, What Transpires When a Male Warrior Takes On a Berdache?


In some Native American tribes, when a male warrior takes on a berdache, he is taking on a role that is traditionally associated with women. This can be seen as a way of subverting traditional gender roles.

Where Are Native American Reservations?


Native American reservations are located on lands that have been set aside by the federal government for the use of Native American tribes.

What Is Malcolm X Real Name?


Malcolm X’s real name is Malcolm Little.

What Was Malcolm X Real Name?


Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little.

Where Is Malcolm X From?


Malcolm X was born in Omaha, Nebraska.

Why Did They Kill Malcolm X?


There is no one answer to this question as there are many different theories. Some believe that Malcolm X was killed because he was seen as a threat to the white establishment, while others believe that he was killed because he was becoming too popular and was seen as a threat to the black establishment.

Why Did The Holocaust Start?


The Holocaust started because Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rose to power in Germany in 1933 and began to implement their vision of a German master race through a process of segregation, forced sterilization, and ultimately, genocide.

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