What Aspects of Realism Does The Story “Editha” in clude?

Updated: May 09, 2023
The story "Editha" includes aspects of realism such as war and death.
Detailed answer:

In this story, Editha is a young woman living in the American South during the Civil War. She has been engaged to George for several months, and they are very much in love. George leaves to fight in the war, and Editha is left behind. She is a very patriotic woman, and she wants her fiancé to serve their country by fighting for it. She writes frequent letters to him, urging him to fight for his country and reminding him of how much she misses him.

George is wounded in battle, and he returns home to recuperate. However, Editha is disappointed that he does not seem more eager to return to the battlefield. As time goes on, George begins spending more time with his friends than with her. He refuses to talk about his feelings for her or about anything else that would make them closer as a couple—he just wants to forget about everything except having fun with his friends at parties every weekend!

Editha becomes increasingly lonely and depressed over this situation until one day when she receives word that George was killed in battle while returning from one of these parties!

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What Aspects of Realism Does The Story “Editha” in clude?. (2023, May 09). Retrieved from
