What Did Aristotle Suggest About Feelings Such As Spite Envy And Shamelessness?

Updated: March 07, 2023
Aristotle suggested that feelings such as spite, envy, and shamelessness were natural and normal.
Detailed answer:

Aristotle suggested that feelings such as spite, envy, and shamelessness were natural and normal. He believed that people were born with all the feelings they would ever have. Aristotle felt that these emotions were necessary to human nature and could not be eliminated from man.

Philosopher defined a virtue as an acquired excellence of mind or body by which one lives well. He said that virtues are habits that are developed over time in order to live a good life. Aristotle stated that virtues are acquired by right training and practice, not by nature alone.

According to Aristotle, there were two kinds of virtues: moral virtues and intellectual virtues. Moral virtues are those actions that are considered good because they lead to happiness through successful living in society. Intellectual virtues are those actions that help us improve our ability to think clearly and logically about things like science or philosophy (Thornell).

In Book II Chapter 2 of Nicomachean Ethics , Aristotle talks about the importance of education in developing good character traits such as honesty, fairness, courage and temperance (Nussbaum). He also discusses how these traits must be cultivated through practice so they become second nature for us (Nussbaum). He also wrote that shamelessness was a natural phenomenon because it helped people to take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming others for their mistakes.

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What Did Aristotle Suggest About Feelings Such As Spite Envy And Shamelessness?. (2023, Mar 07). Retrieved from
