Why Did Vincent Van Gogh Paint The Starry Night?

Updated: June 12, 2023
Some scholars believe that Van Gogh was struggling with mental illness and painted The Starry Night to reflect his inner turmoil. Others believe that the painting was Van Gogh's expression of the beauty he saw in the night sky.
Detailed answer:

Van Gogh was interested in the night sky and wanted to depict it in his painting. He used a unique technique of painting with thick layers of paint to create the effect of stars shining in the night sky. The painting is one of van Gogh’s most famous and recognizable works. It is believed that the painting was inspired by a view from van Gogh’s window at the asylum in Saint-Remy-de-Provence. The painting has been described as a “stylistic tour de force.” The colours in the painting are thought to represent different aspects of van Gogh’s mood and mental state. The painting is an expression of van Gogh’s inner turmoil and emotions; some scholars believe that Van Gogh was struggling with mental illness at this time and painted The Starry Night to reflect his inner turmoil, while others believe that he painted The Starry Night as an expression of his appreciation for nature and life itself.

The Starry Night has been praised for its use of light and colour; some scholars believe that this was because this was one of van Gogh’s first major paintings after leaving hospital following his breakdown.

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Why Did Vincent Van Gogh Paint The Starry Night?. (2023, Jun 12). Retrieved from
