Egyptian vs Greek Art

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The Egyptians and Greeks were both influential civilizations in history, making significant contributions to art. While there are similarities between Greek and Egyptian art, there are also noticeable differences. The main contrast lies in their artistic principles and freedoms. Egyptian art was mainly influenced by religion, with pharaohs commissioning symbolic or ceremonial artwork that adhered to strict rules of symmetry and proportion. On the other hand, Greek art embraced open-mindedness and prioritized ideas and philosophy. Although religion played a role in Greek culture as well, artists were encouraged to explore different styles and portray the world from their own perspective. Additionally, the Egyptians and Greeks differed in their approaches to realism. Egyptian figures often had large emotionless heads and aimed for objective or ceremonial representation, while Greek art leaned towards a more lifelike depiction of everyday life.

Greek art was characterized by its depiction of emotion and attention to detail, with human and figure representations appearing natural and clearly delineating tissues, muscles, and organs. Nudity was frequently utilized in Greek art, contrasting with Egyptian art where it was primarily limited to depictions of children and servants. Movement was another notable distinction between the two styles. Egyptian art tended to be static, featuring paintings and statues in fixed positions lacking expression and variability. In contrast, Greek art showcased significant movement and expression, often depicting athletes caught in the midst of physical actions. Paintings captured action and communication among subjects as if captured in a moment, resembling photographs. Ultimately, both Egyptian and Greek art contributed significantly to the artistic landscape, inspiring generations with their individual styles and ideas. These contributions continue to influence the world of art till this day.

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Egyptian vs Greek Art. (2016, Jun 25). Retrieved from

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