My Mother is the Most Important Person in My Life

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My mother plays a significant role in my life and is frequently the focus of my essays. However, words alone are inadequate to convey my emotions for her. Although she doesn’t encompass everything about me, she is a substantial influence and source of inspiration. There is no doubt that my mother is an exceptional woman; she is truly extraordinary.

Throughout a span of sixteen years, three months, one day, and nineteen hours, I have cultivated an extensive comprehension of her. Right from our first encounter, I forged a profound bond with her. My birth is often reminisced by my family as a significant event that brought immense happiness, resilience, tranquility, and affection to my mother.

Throughout nearly two decades, I have come to acknowledge the profound influence my mother has had on me. Her remarkable qualities include constantly putting her children first, nurturing a thirst for knowledge, willingly making sacrifices for her family, and being the epitome of strength in my eyes. Despite any imperfections I may have had as a son, my mother would beg to differ. Looking back, it is undeniable that my mom holds the utmost significance as the most influential person in shaping my life.

Despite my own lack of dedication, her work ethic is a shining example that positively influences others and inspires me to achieve my daily objectives and dreams. If you need proof of her strong work ethic, it is clearly evident in every aspect of her life.

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My Mother is the Most Important Person in My Life. (2018, Aug 24). Retrieved from

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