Answer to Question from the Medical Records

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Which of the following is NOT an autonomic nervous system (ANS) effector?
skeletal muscle
Which of the following is NOT associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
emergency action
Which autonomic neurons release norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter?
sympathetic postganglionic neurons
Conduction through the autonomic efferent chain is faster than conduction in the somatic motor system.
Which division of the nervous system has short preganglionic neurons?
Once a preganglionic axon reaches a trunk ganglion, one of three things can happen to the axon. Which of the following is NOT one of these three things?
The axon can course back into the spinal cord to synapse with preganglionic neurons in a different spinal segment.
The sympathetic division is also called the “thoracolumbar division” of the autonomic nervous system.
Symptoms of autonomic neuropathy could include any EXCEPT which of the following?
abnormal stretch reflex responses
Which of the following is responsible for the overall integration of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
What is the effect of norepinephrine on the heart?
increase in heart rate
Which target organ is NOT affected by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
adrenal medulla
Which types of drugs are used to help relieve depression?
Drugs that prolong the activity of norepinephrine on the postsynaptic membrane help to relieve depression.
Which of the following is responsible for the overall integration of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
Which of the following target organs/systems is affected by the sympathetic nervous system, but is NOT affected by the parasympathetic nervous system?
cellular metabolism
Which of the following is NOT an antagonistic effect of the sympathetic nervous system?
increased cognitive functioning
Blood “shunting” is a dangerous situation in which the vital organs shut down, causing the body to go into circulatory shock.
In which of the following structures would you expect to see afferent ganglia?
glossopharyngeal nerve
Which of the following is NOT an autonomic nervous system (ANS) function?
Reflex of skeletal muscle
Which of the following is NOT associated with the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
emergency action
Which of these activities is most likely driven by parasympathetic innervation?
Resting and digesting
Which plexus does NOT receive innervation from the vagus nerve?
Inferior hypogastric plexus
Which of the following is NOT a designation for sympathetic ganglia?
terminal ganglia
Which set of details correctly identifies a series of events in a sympathetic pathway?
thoracolumbar origin, short preganglionic fiber, ACh release at ganglion, long postganglionic fiber, NE release at effector
Which description is NOT consistent with the sympathetic division?
Most innervation from the vagus nerve
Unlike the sympathetic division, the parasympathetic division synapses with the adrenal medulla.
The sympathetic division innervates targets with nerves that all originate from the thoracolumbar region.
What differentiates an autonomic reflex from a somatic reflex?
A two-neuron motor pathway
The major anatomic difference in autonomic reflex arcs is that there are two sensory afferents.
Which of the following is an effect of norepinephrine binding to beta 2 adrenergic receptors?
Which receptor paring below is correct?
Nicotinic; acetylchline
You are designing a drug to reduce heart rate. Which receptor would you target?
Muscarinic receptors
Which of the following best demonstrates an example of cooperation of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems?
Parasympathetic stimulation causes vasodilation of blood vessels in the penis, leading to your action; sympathetic stimulation then causes ejaculation
Which of the following target organs/systems is affected by the sympathetic nervous system but is NOT affected by the parasympathetic nervous system?
Cellular metabolism
Which of the following is characteristic of the parasympathetic division?
stimulates secretory activity
Which of the following is responsible for the overall integration of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
Outflow of the sympathetic division occurs from which regions of the CNS?
thoracic and lumbar
Which organ receives major input from the sympathetic, but not parasympathetic, division?

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Answer to Question from the Medical Records. (2017, Dec 18). Retrieved from

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