A&P Lab assessment practice

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This bone has a roughly triangular shape.
The pectoral girdle consists of which of the following bones?
clavicles and scapulae only
Which of these bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?
A. scapula
B. tibia
C. ulna
D. All of these bones are part of the appendicular skeleton
D. All of these bones are part of the appendicular skeleton
The scapula articulates with the clavicle __________.
distally at the acromion
Which of these statements about the pectoral girdle is false?
It includes the sternum.
Which of these is not a function of the pectoral girdle?
protect the thorax
Which of the following bones is not part of the appendicular skeleton?
Which of the following is not a component of the appendicular skeleton?
The three sides of this bone form a broad triangle
The scapula is roughly triangular in shape. Which of the following are correct terms for the borders?
superior, medial, and lateral borders
The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is where the
clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum
The clavicle articulates with the
acromial process and the manubrium.
The clavicle articulates with the scapula
distally with the acromion
Which of these constitutes the pectoral girdle?
clavicles and scapulae
Which of the following is located closest to the jugular notch?
medial end of clavicle
Which of these adapts the pectoral girdle to a wide range of movement?
relatively weak joints
Which of these is most commonly fractured in a fall?
The Scapula
Identify the structure labeled “1.”
coracoid process
The Scapula
Identify the structure labeled “2.”
glenoid cavity
The Scapula
Which structure is the acromion?
The Scapula
Identify the structure labeled “7.
The Scapula
What bone articulates on the structure labeled “2”?
Which of the following statements is true?
The structure labeled with the arrow is the coracoid process.
All are bones of the appendicular skeleton EXCEPT which of the following?
The ________ is a cervical vertebrae that is part of the axial skeleton.
Another name for the thumb is __________.
Which of these is a forearm bone?
The glenohumeral joint joins which two bones?
scapula and humerus
Which of these features is not located near the distal end of the humerus?
greater tubercle
How many carpal bones are in the wrist?
The ________ carpal bones are arranged in ________ row(s).
eight; two
Which of these bones does not articulate with the humerus?
Which bone articulates with the ulna?
A. carpals
B. radius
C. humerus
D. All of these bones articulate with the ulna.
D. All of these bones articulate with the ulna
The pectoral girdle connects to the axial skeleton where the __________
clavicle articulates with the sternum
Which of these features is located near the proximal end of the humerus?
greater tubercle
The depression on the posterior surface at the distal end of the humerus is the
olecranon fossa.
The head of the humerus articulates with the
glenoid cavity.
The glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint, is an articulation between which two bones?
scapula and humerus
In the anatomical position, the ulna is located ________ to the radius
The condyle of the humerus consists of the
capitulum and trochlea.
Which of these surface features occur on the ulna?
All of the answers are correct.
There are ________ carpal bones located in the wrist, which form ________ rows of bones in the wrist
8; 2
The bones that form the fingers are the
Each hand has ________ phalangeal bones
The rough surface feature present along the lateral border of the shaft of the humerus is the
deltoid tuberosity.
The bones that give the hand a wide range of motion are the
The head of the radius articulates with the
The carpus contains ________ bones.
The hand has ________ wrist and ________ palm bones.
8; 5
Which of the following is not an upper limb bone
The ________ of the radius helps stabilize the wrist joint.
styloid process
The bones that form the palm are the
Tina falls and fractures her pisiform bone. What part of her body was injured
Which structure articulates with the glenoid cavity?
Identify the structure labeled “9.”
medial epycondyle
When the arm is straight, which structure accepts the olecranon?
Identify the place where the humerus often fractures
Which structure does the radius rotate upon
Name the structure at the end of the pointer
Which bone is medial to the trapezium and articulates with the scaphoid?
During development, how many bones combine to form the coxal bone?
The coxal bone is formed by fusion of the __________.
ilium, ischium, and pubis
Which of these was formed by the fusion of several bones?
Each one of these structures was formed by the fusion of several bones
Which of the following is not a part of the pelvis?
lumbar vertebrae
What bone articulates with the coxal bone at the acetabulum?
When seated, the weight of the body is borne by the
ischial tuberosities
The pubic and ischial rami encircle the
obturator foramen
The largest component of the coxal bone is the
A male has a ________ pelvic outlet when compared to the woman’s pelvic outlet
Each coxal bone consists of the following three fused bones
ilium, ischium, and pubis
The superior border of the ilium that acts as a point of attachment for both ligaments and muscles is the
iliac crest
The sacrum articulates with the
The ilium, ischium, and pubis fuse into a single bone called the
coxal bone
The coxal bone and sacrum combine to form the
Which surface feature(s) along the ilium mark(s) attachment sites for large hip muscles?
gluteal lines
The greater sciatic notch is a feature on the
The pelvic organs are mostly found within the
iliac fossa
Which concave socket exists on the lateral surface of each hip bone?
Differences between the male and female pelvis include _________.
a broad pelvis in females
The Achilles tendon attaches to the __________
The tibia is bound to the __________ by the interosseous membrane
The lateral bulge at the ankle is from the ___________.
malleolus of the fibula
The bones that form the sole of the foot are the __________.
How many tarsal bones are there?
Fracture of the medial malleolus will cause pain _________
inside the ankle
The bones that give the foot a wide range of motion are the __________.
The total number of phalangeal bones in the body is ________.
The __________ is a sesamoid bone in the lower limb
The longest and heaviest bone in the body is the
Which of the following is the heel bone?
The distal end of the tibia articulates with the
The longest bone is the
The foot has ________ ankle bones and ________ bones in the sole
7; 5
The patella slides in a groove on the femur called the
patellar surface
The linea aspera is located on the
The lateral malleolus is found on the
The Achilles tendon attaches to which anatomical structure
The medial border of the fibula is bound to the ________ by the interosseous membrane
Another name for the first toe is
The tarsus contains ________ bones
The weight of the body is supported by the
distal metatarsals and the calcaneus
Which of the following is not a lower limb bone
The hand has 15 phalangeal bones; the foot has 14 phalangeal bones
The first statement is false but the second statement is true.
Tom stumbles and injures his hallux. What part of his anatomy is injured?
his foot
The talus contacts the
tibia, calcaneus, and navicular bones
Compared to the hand, the foot
contains arches that help distribute body weight.
When standing normally, most of your weight is transmitted to the ground by the
distal ends of the metatarsals and calcaneus.
The condition known as “flat feet” is due to a lower-than-normal longitudinal arch in the foot. A problem with which of the following would most likely contribute to this condition?
weakness in the ligaments that attach the calcaneus to the distal ends of the metatarsals
Which structure articulates with the acetabulum?
Identify the diaphysis of the femur
Identify the structure labeled “2.”
greater trochanter
Identify the structure labeled “12.”
linea aspera
Identify the structure labeled “3.”
lateral epicondyle
Identify the bones labeled “9.”
Identify the bones named for their wedge shape
On which bone does the tibia press?
Identify the bone labeled “7.”
Which bone, found in the leg, is the longest and heaviest in the body?
Which bone is slender and parallels the tibia?
Which membrane extends from the tibia to the fibula?
Which bone is the heel of the human foot?
Which of these is characteristic of the female pelvis?
It has a pubic arch greater than 100 degrees
Which bone gives a crime scene investigator the best information on the gender of skeletal remains?
coxal bone
A coccygeal bone at a crime scene was found to be fused. This indicates that the subject was __________.
very elderly
Compared to the male pelvis, the female pelvis
has a greater angle inferior to the pubic symphysis
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the male pelvis?
angle of pubic arch greater than 100 degrees
The clearest distinction between a male and female skeleton is seen in the characteristics of the
Which of the following is a not characteristic of the female pelvis?
coccyx points anteriorly
Study of human skeletons can reveal information concerning the person’s
a. sex.
b. health.
c. age and nutritional status.
d. size and handedness.
e. All of the answers are correct.
e. All of the answers are correct
Which of the following is not an age-related change in the skeleton?
bone remodeling
On a field trip you discover a skeleton with the following characteristics: the acetabulum is directed laterally, the ischial spine points medially, and the angle inferior to the pubic symphysis is less than 90 degrees. The long bones of the arms and legs are relatively light and show epiphyseal plates. This skeleton is probably from
a young male
Which of the following is a bony articulation for the scapula?
the acromion
Because of its large bony connection to the thoracic bones, the pectoral girdle is very stable. Is this statement true or false?
Which of the following bones is NOT part of pectoral girdle?
the humerus
The shallow socket of the shoulder joint restricts the movement of the humerus but does increase the stability of the joint
Since a Colles’ fracture can occur when a falling person attempts to break the fall with outstretched hands, an X ray will typically show that, at the site of the fracture, the hand is displaced in a ____________ direction.
People who work at computer keyboards all day repeatedly flex their wrists and fingers and therefore become susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition in which inflammation of tissue causes tingling and pain. Which one of the following treatments will be least likely to reduce the pain?
squeezing tennis balls in both hands in order to strengthen the wrist and finger muscles
Which of the following features of the humerus is NOT designated by a letter label?
medial epicondyle
The feature at letter C articulates with which bone?
What part of this bone articulates with the ulna?
Which of the following is a bone marking of the humerus?
deltoid tuberosity
Which of the following statements is true?
The radius is the lateral bone in the forearm
Which forearm bone(s) contribute(s) most heavily to the elbow joint?
the ulna
When you hit your elbow and say that you hit your “funny bone,” you have actually hit a nerve that runs across the bone surface. Over which bone can this nerve be found?
The antebrachium is composed of which of the following two bones?
the radius and the ulna
The “true wrist” or carpus consists of ________.
a group of eight short bones united by ligaments
In the anatomical position, the lateral forearm bone is the radius
The most common site of fracture in the humerus is the anatomical neck.
What feature is indicated by the letter A?
iliac fossa
Only one component bone of the right coxal bone articulates with this same bone component on the other side of the body. Which of the following bone components fits this description?
On which bone is the greater sciatic notch located?
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
The pelvic outlet is narrower in a female than in a male.
How are the male and female pelvises different?
The pelvic inlet is heart-shaped in the male.
In women of childbearing age, the dimensions of the true pelvis are of utmost importance
The ischium articulates with both the ilium and the pubis
A Pott’s fracture could result in damage to all of the following except ____________.
tibial condyle
Which of the following persons is the least likely to develop “flat feet” as an adult?
an Olympic sprinter
Which letter represents the lateral epicondyle?
What part of the femur articulates with the patella?
What is the bone feature at A?
greater trochanter
Identify the group of bones known as the phalanges
Which of these bones aligns with the medial, intermediate, and lateral cuneiforms to form the four distal tarsals?
Which of the following areas/bones would absorb the impact of walking when a foot first touches the ground during a normal stride?
A fracture of which structure is commonly referred to as “breaking your hip”?
the neck of the femur
Which of the following statements is true?
The ilium is the most proximal bone in the lower appendicular skeleton
The arch that runs front to back on the inside of the foot is the __________
medial longitudinal arch
Old age affects many parts of the skeleton. Which of the following is NOT associated with old age?
The mandible continues to grow and thicken
Which is the largest, longest, and strongest bone in the body?
the femur
Most of the body’s weight is carried by the talus and calcaneus
Which bone is in direct contact with the first metatarsal?
media cuneiform
Which of the following bones is not weight bearing?
Which portion of the fibula articulates with the talus?
lateral malleolus
The fibula is the major weight-bearing bone of the leg
A cleft palate arises when the right and left _____________ bones fail to fuse medially during fetal development
Dysplasia of the hip may occur due to congenital malformation of the __________.
What structures develop as a result of gravity acting on the skeleton after birth?
the secondary curvature

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