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Essays on Arabic

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Essay Examples

My Experience in Learning English



Words: 922 (4 pages)

English has been a constant struggle for me throughout my life. From childhood until now, I have consistently faced the challenge of failing in this subject. Despite my persistent efforts to improve, I continue to struggle with it. Although English itself is not difficult for me, my sorrow stems from poor spelling and tense misuse….

The Phonological System in Egyptian Arabic: The Consonant Sounds



Words: 3314 (14 pages)

Introduction Through an overwhelming exposure perpetuated through large scale use in mass media, literature, advertisement and other aspects of popular culture, the Egyptian variant of Arabic, commonly referred to as Misra, is presently one of the most widely recognized variants of what is understood as Standard Arabic, a derivation of Classical Arabic. Although it is…

Words Carry More Power Than We Think


Language Learning

Words: 959 (4 pages)

“Words are more unreliable and powerful than we think. ” Evaluate the extent to which the features Sartre claims for words affect negatively and positively different countries of cognition. To what extent does the being of different linguistic communications and the demand for their interlingual rendition create jobs for the acquisition of cognition? Harmonizing to…

An Introduction to the History of the Arabic Culture and Language




Words: 512 (3 pages)

Many have asked what essetial ingredients formulate the Arabic Culture. Since this deals with such a large area, in both time and space, it is very much so as G.H von Wright writes, hard to limit it from earlier and contemporary civilizations. The question is if one is able to/should attempt to do so. Through…

A Narrative Essay on the Graduation Day of Intermediate Level in Arabic




Words: 593 (3 pages)

One of the significant milestones for students is their graduation and receiving the diploma they tirelessly worked towards. While some may only prioritize completing their Western or English education, they often overlook the significance of their Arabic education. However, I believe that Arabic education is equally important. The most memorable moment for me is my…

The Impact of Globalization to the Arabic Language in the Education System Among Arab Nations




Words: 757 (4 pages)

Globalization can be defined as the “creation of a new world economic system” and can result in the suppression of the native culture and imperialistic attitudes. Though change is inevitable, due to globalization, there is a need for educational systems to integrate the Arabic language in the education system among the Arab nations as abandoning…

Arabic Language and Khaleeji Dialect   


Language Learning

Words: 2194 (9 pages)

Arabic Language is spoken natively by over 190 million people; it functions as a “liturgical language for the hundreds of millions of Muslims throughout the world” (Bishop).  Modern Arabic is a form of the Arabo-Canaaite. A subdivision of the central group of the western Semitic language.  It’s a Proto-Semitic language, or more commonly classified by…

An Introduction to the History of Arabic Calligraphy One of the Greatest Arts of the Arabs




Words: 541 (3 pages)

Arabic calligraphy is a prominent art form among Arabs due to the prohibition of idol making and worship in Islam. Consequently, Muslims focused their artistic talents on literature, architecture, arabesque, and calligraphy. The demand to produce Quran copies further propelled the development of calligraphy, considered a highly commendable act. Notably, the names of renowned calligraphers…

Reflective Statement The Outsider – Albert Camus

Albert Camus


Words: 420 (2 pages)

How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral? When I first read ‘the outsider’, by Albert Camus, I was colossally impressed by the protagonist’s outlook towards life but at the same time the happenings in the work perplexed me because of a different time and place…

The Position of Subject in Standard Arabic




Words: 519 (3 pages)

The subject position in standard Arabic has been the focus of discussion and analysis over the last three decades by the Arab and non-Arab linguists. Among those who tried to discuss this area are Thompson and Werfelli (2002), they investigated the derivation and processing of the two subject positions (SVO and VSO order) in Saudi…

Frequently Asked Questions about Arabic

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Why Arabic is unique?
Probably one of the unique things about the Arabic language is that the words always begin with a consonant, followed by a vowel. This is much unlike many words in the English language that have two consonants in succession, sometimes even having silent letters.

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