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Essay Examples

Krystyna’s Story by Halina Ogonowska Coates



Words: 692 (3 pages)

In the novel Krystyna’s Story written by Halina Ogonowska-Coates an important event in the text is when the Soviet soldiers invaded a small village in Poland where krystyna’s family live. The Soviet soldiers ransacked their small farm, slaughter their animals and if they refused to do as asked they were abused and beaten. Then in…

The Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau

Human Activities


Words: 1723 (7 pages)

Born in Concord, Massachusetts, he was a philosopher, naturalist, abolitionist, and poet. He came from a humble family with two older siblings named Helen and John Jar, as well as a younger sister named Sophia. During his time at Harvard College from 1833 to 1837, he focused on studying philosophy, mathematics, and science. However, he…

Turn Of The Screw By Henry






Words: 1131 (5 pages)

After reading The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James, I was left with many unreciprocated inquiries. The two chief inquiries are, are the shades in the narrative existent, or are they merely figments of the storyteller s imaginativeness? When I read though the essays of unfavorable judgment, I took a base on one peculiar…

If Only I Had Been More Careful, That Wouldn’t Have Happened



Words: 454 (2 pages)

Make you still retrieve the really last journey we took which ended our relation? I remember every individual minute on that twenty-four hours. It still fresh in my head and one think i’ll ne’er forget in my full life. I still retrieve one hebdomad before that twenty-four hours. I planned to a trip with you…

Response to H.J. Mccloskey


Critical Thinking Skills

Existence of God




Words: 1629 (7 pages)

In his 1968 article, On Being an Atheist, H. J. McCloskey attempts to refute the arguments of God’s existence and explain how “atheism is a much more comfortable belief than theism. ” (McCloskey 1968) He first attempts to discredit the Cosmological and Teleological arguments for God’s existence, then he turns to the existence of evil…

Hume on Custom & Habit







Words: 738 (3 pages)

“Custom, then, is the great guide of human life. It is that principle alone which renders our experience useful to us, and makes us expect, for the future, a similar train of events with those which have appeared in the past. Without the influence of custom, we should be entirely ignorant of every matter of…

Fallacy of Complex Question

Critical Thinking Skills





Words: 342 (2 pages)

Yes, it is true that the fallacy of complex question is one of the fallacies of presumption. Complex question is also known as many questions, loaded question or presupposition. Complex question is firstly logical fallacy belonging to the fallacy of presumption. This fallacy is committed when a person asks a question presupposing something unproven and…

A Reflection on My Relationship with My Husband and the Difficulties We Had to Face Due to My Mother’s Disapproval




Words: 1162 (5 pages)

Love is the essence of our existence, it is the reason that we are here and the only way to remain as-well. Without love there is nothing at all; there would not be any passion, any happiness, any inspiration or appreciation. Surely, love comes naturally for all of us. But, when it comes to finding…

Cosmological argument

Critical Thinking Skills






Words: 806 (4 pages)

            The cosmological argument has many variations of which only one will be explored in the following paragraphs. The argument is stated thus: the world (or universe) exists, and since it exists, there must have been a cause for its existence; therefore, some being, namely God, must have created it. The following will systemically explore…

Factors That Influence Our Judgement





Words: 3642 (15 pages)

Discuss some the factors which influence our thinking, judgement and decision-making Our everyday lives are filled with many choices and decisions which will impact on our lives both in the short and long-term. Our perception of the impact of these decisions on our own lives and those around us will affect how much time and…

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