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Road safety Essay Examples

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Essay Examples

Road Safety Requirements Reduce The Loss Of Lives

Road safety

Traffic congestion

Words: 1733 (7 pages)

In Kashmir 22 people were killed, in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province 25 people killed,21 injured. As you can see this is an astonishing amount of lives being taken, its heart-clenching to say the least and could easily have been minimized if not avoided. As previously stated when heavy rainfall roads are damaged, bridges, traffic, and the…

The Interaction Of Data Analysis And Road Safety In Autonomous Vehicles

Road safety


Words: 1007 (5 pages)

Data has become the new oil to the Mobility Industry. We have been seeing a major change in the way people move from point A to point B with the advent of car sharing and ride sharing businesses like Uber, Lyft and Ola in the past decade. The ride sharing business is only going to…

Road Safety in Pakistan



Road rage

Road safety

Words: 1585 (7 pages)

 Limited Funding and investments into road safety: The cities in Pakistan such as Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi are escalating with the influx of people, goods, vehicle ownership, urbanization, and motorization. However, the number of deaths related to accidents on the road tremendously surges as a response. In 2018 alone, there were more than 27,000 fatalities…

Related To Reasons And Preventing Road Rage

Road rage

Road safety

Words: 630 (3 pages)

People these days can only handle so much until they’ve had enough, even patient ones. There’s always something going on in a person’s life where there in a hurry, or late for work, and they need to be at a certain place at a certain time. It all just varies in reasons and every person…

The Advent of Cars Led to Car Accidents

Car Accident

Road safety


Words: 501 (3 pages)

Introduction We live in a generation where it’s important to have a car for transportation, but this had come with a downfall which is car accidents. A car accident is also referred to traffic collision. This occurs when one vehicle collides another vehicle, object, or even an animal. Car accidents always come with a damage,…

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