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Essays on Wind Page 2

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Essay Examples

Together in Open Ocean




Words: 978 (4 pages)

Slash! The nose of the huge antagonistic fish pierces his skin like a knife through butter. He moans and screeches for only a minute, but feels like a lifetime. His whole future at sea shines before him as a blurry disarray of fear and pain.It was a cold and dreary day in the endless moors…

Lullaby: White People and Snow




Words: 3162 (13 pages)

Out Of the wind she felt warmer, and she could watch the wide fluffy snow fill in ere tracks, steadily, until the direction she had come from was gone. By the light of the snow she could see the dark outline of the big arroyo a few feet away. She was sitting on the edge…

Ways to Prevent Soil Erosion




Words: 463 (2 pages)

Soil Erosion Although many areas on earth can sustain plant growth, only about eight percent of the earth’s surface is covered with good topsoil. While it takes nature hundreds of years to make a few centimeters of topsoil, erosion can easily remove it. Without topsoil, people cannot raise crops for food. People know that without…

What is Bernoulli’s Principle?




Words: 3701 (15 pages)

All living organisms inhabit a world governed by mechanical laws and processes. For all organisms, too, the primary daily task is the search for food. This is not only limited in quantity but can also be energetically costly to obtain. As a result many animals have evolved ways of harnessing these mechanical processes to assist…

The Use of a Tall Smoke Stack Advantages and Disadvantages




Words: 588 (3 pages)

Describe how the use of a tall smoke stack might improve air quality near a large industrial facility. A taller smoke stack in an industrial area would improve air quality over shorter stacks. At night, when there is a temperature inversion, pollution from shorter stacks can become trapped and cannot rise any higher than the…

Circulation of the Ocean




Words: 714 (3 pages)

The El Niño/ ENSO phenomenon refers to the abnormal warming or cooling of the waters in the Pacific Ocean. This is caused by a shift of warm waters in the Pacific from west to east, resulting in various metrological anomalies around the world. The normal system sees the east west winds depositing warm water in…

Tides, Weather, Waves



Natural Environment




Words: 882 (4 pages)

Tides: Caused by gravity from the sun and the moon pulling on and deforming large bodies of water. Daily changes in tides: High tides occur on the side of earth closest to the moon and the side opposite the moon. -High tides draw water away from the areas between, causing low tides to form. For…

Santa Ana Winds Passage- Ap Lang


Words: 729 (3 pages)

In the piece, Joan Didion describes the Santa Ana Winds which hit Los Angeles every so often. The winds are seen as a threatening issue, as Didion describes them as dangerous and unwanted. The passage portrays her view on the Santa Ana winds as something horrendous that makes a dramatic effect on the inhabitants of…

Towering Dust Devils Discovered on Mars


Space Exploration



Words: 723 (3 pages)

The most drought-ridden wastes of sub-Saharan Africa are almost verdant compared with the planet Mars, which was completely hiddne from view by a global dust storm when the U.S. Mariner 9 spacecraft arrived there in 1971. Decades before that, astronomers had noted surface changes — so vast as to be visible all the way from…

The “Anna Karenina” Tolstoy





Words: 1138 (5 pages)

In contrast to a majority of the characters in Anna Karenina, Konstantin Levin provides a breath of fresh air as his conservative, humble nature and functionalist view on life antagonizes that of his many friends, particularly Stiva. While the two have been long time childhood friends, they live vastly different lives, as “to each of…

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