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Literature Review Essay Examples

We found 48 free papers on Literature Review

Literature Review on Marketing Strategies



Words: 284 (2 pages)

Research conducted by Cuthbertson & Bridson (2006) explores the marketing strategies employed by retailers to enhance customer loyalty, emphasizing the potential of the internet as a medium for driving loyalty. In a separate study, Fiorito & Laforge (1984) investigated the marketing strategies used by smaller retailers to maintain competitiveness in the retail industry. The research…

Literature Review on Railway Reservation System Sample


Words: 3006 (13 pages)

The chief purpose of planing and coming up with this system is to extinguish the usage files and registering system in entering hebdomadal and monthly minutess of pata commercial bureaus and let an easy system that allows the house in entering and analysing everyday minutess and supply a clear drumhead and study of all the…

A Literature Review and Critique on Customer Satisfaction



Words: 1744 (7 pages)

Abstract Customer satisfaction has become a significant focus in the past few years, prompting organizations to delve into understanding different models related to this concept. The main aim of this paper is to examine the essential ideas and frameworks surrounding customer satisfaction. This topic incorporates keywords such as customer satisfaction, definition, macro-models, and micro-models. Introduction…

Literature Review on Theories of Performance Appraisal


Performance Appraisal

Words: 1457 (6 pages)

Introduction: Performance assessment means to measure the public presentation of employees that they are executing their occupations up to the criterion of the organisations or non. To measure the public presentation of employees it is really of import to set up a proper public presentation assessment system in the organisation and to give the preparation…

Literature Review on Dominos Sample


Words: 603 (3 pages)

A consumer’s perceptual experience of quality levels has long been a focal point for marketing literature research. For example, the consumer’s judgment regarding an entity’s overall level of excellence or high quality has been used as a measure of perceived quality. Objective measures of quality, measured by elements such as “conformance to requirements” or “freedom…

Literature Review – Deforestation



Words: 1173 (5 pages)

Literature reappraisal: Deforestation is non a new phenomenon and it has been continued since centuries but its reverberations were non known in the medieval or subsequently periods. Its reverberations have shown great diverseness of menaces non merely to mankind but besides to the Earth and the scientists and other organisations have been keenly working on…

Literature Review of Cost Control Techniques used in the Construction Industry


Engineering And Construction Industry


Words: 2023 (9 pages)

The Cost control Techniques Used  Objectives Undertaking cost control weaken the common job. Strengthen cost control, change the efficiency of endeavors is cardinal the endurance and development undertakings in a market economic system. Many companies have recognize the importance cost control, some companies development of relevant cost control system, some endeavors in implementing cost control…

A literature review (analysis)


Words: 925 (4 pages)

 A literature review (analysis) According to Veal (1997) literature review is an important part of research, which involves, a careful search for information on the relevant published work. It includes not only the review, but also assessing and surmising salient aspects of the useful items for the research proposal. Literature review draws conclusions and implications for…

Literature Review of Tesco PLC management and success



Words: 5047 (21 pages)

A big sum of literature is available on the direction methods and policies of Tesco, the civilization alteration it has adapted in its yesteryear, its work force and its retailing success. This has been compared to the direction theories and standards of alteration direction, and discussed to happen out how closely do Tesco ‘s employee…

Literature review of international business



Words: 1232 (5 pages)

International Marketing Plan is concerned with the structuring of the relationship between a business and the global sector. The environment in which business operates has a greater influence on their successes or failures. There is a strong linkage between the changing circumstances, the strategic response of the business to such changes and the performance. It…

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Frequently Asked Questions

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What do I write in a literature review?
A literature review consists of an overview, a summary, and an evaluation (“critique”) of the current state of knowledge about a specific area of research. It may also include a discussion of methodological issues and suggestions for future research.
How do you write a literature review essay?
Narrow your topic and select papers accordingly. Search for literature. Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them. Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing subtopics. Develop a thesis or purpose statement. Write the paper. Review your work.
What are the 3 parts of literature review?
Just like most academic papers, literature reviews also must contain at least three basic elements: an introduction or background information section; the body of the review containing the discussion of sources; and, finally, a conclusion and/or recommendations section to end the paper.

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