Huckleberry Finn – theme of escape

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How does Mark Twain present the theme of escape in the extract displayed in Chapter 20? Published in the 1885, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain’s follow-up to the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is set in the Mississippi River before the American Civil War in the mid-19th century. The novel is written in a subjective style from the viewpoint of its protagonist, Huck Finn. Who is escaping from his previous live and drunken father. Huckleberry Finn is an immensely realistic novel, revealing how a child’s morals and actions clash with those of the society around him.

Twain displays the theme of escape in almost every aspect of his writing; the description of the setting, the dialect of Huck as well as the motifs conveys by the characters. Huckleberry Finn falls under the Bildungsroman genre which is a story of a single individual’s growth and development within the context of a defined social order. By viewing Huck’s growth and development throughout the novel readers become aware of his quest for freedom and his desperation to escape from the structure of society. It is evident within the beginning of chapter 20 Huck’s need for escape.

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The extract within chapter twenty has a semantic field of nature words such as ‘rain, sky and leaves’ are used by Twain to describe the setting. The references to nature symbolises freedom which Huck’s wishes to attain to escape the structure of society and his current life. Different language techniques are used throughout the extract. Twain uses the repetition of the phrase ‘by-and-by’ throughout the extract to reflect the passing of time and a different situation within the extract. By frequently referring to the passing of time the author reflects the maturing of Huck’s character as his quest for freedom commences.

The motif of light and dark is clearly reflected throughout the extract displaying Huck and Jim’s fear of being caught. ‘We got away as soon as it was good and dark’ demonstrates how the dark represents escape and security as they are less likely to be caught when travelling. Whereas light symbolises the possibility of being captured. There are numerous examples of phonology devices used throughout the extract. Onomatopoeia is used within the text when describing the condition of Jim’s bed: ‘rustling’ is used to add interest instead of plainly stating that a noise was heard.

Onomatopoeia invites the reader to actually hear the noise appealing to our senses which engages the reader. The description of Jim and Huck’s bed also reflects how Jim is treated differently. ‘My bed was a straw tick – better than Jims’ reflects the idea that even though Jim wishes to escape his life of being a slave, he cannot escape his position in society and the way he is treated by others because of his race. Another example of a phonology device is alliteration: ‘pretty poor’ is used within the text to add interest throughout the extract. The use of figurative devices is also apparent within this particular extract.

Personification is used when describing the harshness of the storm. ‘How the wind did scream along! ’ the effect of this phrase allows the author to use description that the readers can relate to more effectively as well as providing more interest for the audience. Another devices used within the extract is hyperbole. ‘Washed me overboard, It most killed Jim a-laughing’ the phrase is used to convey Jim’s characteristic as well as create humour for the readers. The use of pathetic fallacy is littered throughout the text to reflect the current atmosphere. The heat lightning and rain and blow and thunder’ employs the current mood and feelings at the present time. Throughout the extract it is evident the progress made in Jim and Huck’s relationship the phrase: ‘Jim he said he would stand the first half of it for me, he was always mighty good, that way. ’ Echoes how Jim cares for Huck and looks out for him despite the difference of race between them. The lexical choice of words are very basic with obvious traces of colloquial language used to display to the audience the slang and language used around the time the book was set. By-and-by’ is an example of colloquial language used throughout the novel to reflect the passing of time. The structure of the extract begins and ends with dialogue between the characters. Vivid description is used within the extract to reflect the current weather situation. The negativity and darkness of the weather could also be foreshadowing future events that could take place within the novel. Twain uses a variety of sentence structures. Simple sentences are used within the extract to get the authors point across effectively. I can’t bear it and I’ll invent a new plan. ’ Cleary state an event or emotion present without having to add in any further description. Exclamatory sentences are also used: ‘my souls, how the wind did scream along! ’ to express Huck’s strong views and feelings. Although Twain uses very basic grammar the use of parenthetical dashes is very common throughout the extract, the purpose of this is to add in extra detail without distracting the reader as well as reflecting the passing of time as Huck and Jim move forward in their search for freedom.

The story made up by Huck within the extract to explain why he and Jim are escaping demonstrates his childish nature and how he seeks to create adventure and entertainment for himself. I think the tone throughout the extract is frequently mocking as Huck seeks to decipher the world around him; his tone is also sometimes boyish and exuberant. Reflecting his excitement and energy towards escaping and being free. Throughout the extract and novel it is obvious Huck seems to be alienated and does not fit in with other people and society which is why he seeks freedom to escape from his current life.

Which is apparent to readers, Hamlin Hill (1985) says: “We are aware that Huck cannot live comfortably in any of the worlds he inhabits. He searches for a father he cannot find, having killed, at least symbolically, the legal one. The entire structure of the novel is one of frustrated attempt to escape from restrictions only to find the refuge susceptible to invasion and destruction. ’ Echoing the idea that although Huck and Jim’s quest for escape takes place the behaviour and effect of society often hinder their plans to achieve true freedom.

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Huckleberry Finn – theme of escape. (2016, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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