Protists – Eukaryotic Organisms

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Question Answer
What have been called the “jewels of the sea?” diatoms
Protists are eukaryotes that cannot be classified as _____, _______, or _______ animals, plants, fungi
Which traits are shared by all protists? they both live in moist environments and are eukaryotes
What are the 3 categories that scientists divide protists into? Animal-like
Animal like protists are _________, and most are able to move from place to place to ______ _______. heterotrophs, obtain food
What name is given to animal like protists? protozoans
what are Pseudopods -the word means false foot
-they are temporary bulgdes of the cell and they them pseudopods to move and eat
-they form when cytoplasm flows toward one direction and the rest of the organism follows
-also known as sarcodines
what is Contractile vacuole? a structure that collects the extra water and expels it from the cell
what is Cilia? hair-like projections that help the ciliate move and collect food
What characteristics make the amoeba suited to life in either soil or water? it can change shape and flow easily through different substances
What characteristics make the paramecium suited to living only in water? the ciliate has two contractile vacuoles and the ciliate wont beas effective in soil (because they aren’t strong enough on their own)
what is Symbiosis? a close relationship in which one of the Species benefit
what is Mutualism? a close relationship where both of the species beneift
What protozoan causes malaria? plasmodium
How are algae similar to plants? they are both autotrophs
What traits of algae vary greatly? color and size
size- unicellular to colonies of thousands of cells
color- green red brown yellow orange or black
How many cells does a euglena have? one
What color pigments can brown algae contain? green, yellow, brown, and orange
What do fungi and fungi like protists have in common? they both are heterotrophs, have cell walls, and use spores to reproduce
Like fungi, fungus-like protists are ___________, have __________ and use ___________ to reproduce. heterotrophs, cell walls, spores
What are the 3 types of funguslike protists? slime molds
water molds
downy mildew
How have funguslike protists caused human deaths? Water molds destroyed the irish potato crops causing starvation
List the four types of animal-like protists. What are they each called 1. Protozoans with pseudopods (sarcodines)
2. Protozoans with cilia (ciliates)
3. Protozoans with flagella (flagellates)
4. Protozoans that are parasites (they have no name
How are these four types of protists similar to animals? How are they different? they are both heterotrophs and most are able to move and obtain food. but unlike animals they are all unicellular
You observe an animal-like protist under the microscope. It has no hairlike or whiplike structures. It moves by forming temporary bulges of cytoplasm. How would you classify this protist? they are called pseudopods and the only protozoan that can form them is the sarcodines.
In what way are diatoms, dinoflagellates, and other plantlike protists similar to plants? they all are autrotrophs
Why is sunlight important to plantlike protists? because they all are autotrophs and use the sun’s energy like plants
Would you classify euglena as an animal-like protist or as a plantlike protist? Explain. both because they could be both autotrophs and heterotrophs

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Protists – Eukaryotic Organisms. (2017, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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