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What Does Loan Forgiveness Mean?

Social Issues

Loan forgiveness means that a borrower is no longer responsible for repaying a loan. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as if the borrower dies or if the loan is forgiven by the lender.

Who is Odysseus?


Odysseus is the main character in Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey. He is a brave and clever Greek hero who goes on a long journey home after enduring many challenges.

Who Did Medea Kill?


Medea killed her two children in order to spite her ex-husband, Jason.

How is Hamlet a Tragic Hero?


Hamlet is a tragic hero because he is a complex and interesting character who experiences a tragic downfall.

What Does Frida Kahlo Represent?


Frida Kahlo represents the strength and resilience of Mexican people. She also represents the power of art to transcend the physical and emotional limitations imposed by injury and illness.

What is The Theme of Oedipus Rex?


The theme of Oedipus Rex is that fate is inescapable and that hubris inevitably leads to tragedy.

Which Class of English Society is Portrayed In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice?


In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the upper class is portrayed as being wealthy and having a lot of power.

Why Did Oedipus Blind Himself?


Oedipus blinded himself because he could not bear to see the horror that he had caused. He had killed his father and married his mother, and was now living in exile with his daughters.

What is a Hero Complex?


A person with a hero complex is someone who feels the need to save others and be seen as a hero. This person often puts themselves in dangerous situations in order to help others.

Which Painting By Leonardo Da Vinci Shows The Ideal Proportions of The Human Body?


The painting is called the Vitruvian Man and it is a drawing that shows the ideal proportions of the human body.

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