After Becoming President How Did Thomas Jefferson Deal With The Federalists?

Updated: February 12, 2023
Thomas Jefferson dealt with the federalists by creating the Democratic-Republican party which opposed the Federalist party.
Detailed answer:

Thomas Jefferson dealt with the federalists by creating the Democratic-Republican party which opposed the Federalist party.

In his first term as president, Thomas Jefferson faced many challenges. He was faced with a war in Tripoli and a confrontation with France that almost led to war with England. He also had to deal with an economic crisis and resist attempts by some members of Congress to cut down on spending.

One of the biggest issues Thomas Jefferson faced was dealing with the Federalists who were led by Alexander Hamilton. The Federalists were accused of being elitist by Thomas Jefferson and other leaders in his party because they were more educated than most Americans at that time and they supported policies like having a strong central government, a national bank and high tariffs on imported goods from other countries so that American manufacturers could sell their products abroad at better prices.

He continued to receive members of the Federalist party who came to pay their respects and show support for his presidency. In this way, he was able to maintain an appearance of unity within the nation.

In response, Thomas Jefferson created what would become known as the Democratic Republican Party which opposed many of these policies supported by Alexander Hamilton’s Federalists.

Thomas Jefferson would go on to win reelection in 1804 before retiring from public office after serving as president for two terms (1801-1809).

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After Becoming President How Did Thomas Jefferson Deal With The Federalists?. (2023, Feb 12). Retrieved from