How Did John Dewey Feel About God?

Updated: April 19, 2023
John Dewey felt that religious beliefs were a matter of individual choice, and that each person should be free to believe or not believe in God as they saw fit.
Detailed answer:

John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer. He is best known for his work in education reform, but he also worked in the field of philosophy and ethics. Dewey’s most famous works include Democracy and Education (1916), which was a major influence on the later development of progressive education in America; Human Nature and Conduct (1922); and Experience and Nature (1925).

Philosopher felt that religious beliefs were a matter of individual choice, and that each person should be free to believe or not believe in God as they saw fit. According to Dewey, religion should be a private matter between an individual and their own conscience rather than something that was forced upon them by others. However, he believed that this did not mean that people should entirely abandon their religious beliefs when they left home or school; rather, it meant that they should be free to make up their own minds about what they believed. In fact, Dewey argued that there was no conflict between religion and science because both were simply different ways of understanding the world around us. He also believed that there was no conflict between science and morality because both were concerned with how people behaved towards each other.

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