How Does Of Mice And Men End?

Updated: June 21, 2023
The novel ends with George shooting Lennie in the back of the head, out of mercy for his friend. This is because Lennie is going to be killed by the other men on the ranch for accidentally killing Curley's wife.
Detailed answer:

As the narrative of the novel “Of Mice and Men” approaches its climax, George is presented with a heart-rending choice. Filled with sorrow, his hand trembles as he raises his gun, and with a solitary, piercing shot, he ends Lennie’s life. This act, though appearing harsh, was born not of malevolence but mercy, serving to spare Lennie from the brutal retaliation that would inevitably follow at the hands of Curley.

The series of tragic events preceding this moment began with Lennie, in a state of confusion and fear, accidentally causing the death of Curley’s wife. This catastrophic event shattered the peaceful dream both he and George had clung onto – of owning their land and living away from hardship. Yet, this dream was now irretrievably lost, forcing them to confront the harsh reality of their situation.

As they attempted to flee, they found themselves pursued by Curley, his thirst for vengeance incensed. In these dire circumstances, George understood the grim fate that awaited Lennie at Curley’s hands. Recognizing the depths of Curley’s rage, he knew that Lennie’s end would be filled with unspeakable suffering. Thus, the horrifying but merciful resolution became clear to him.

Filled with sorrow and an unbearable sense of inevitability, George made the devastating decision to end Lennie’s life himself. Not an act born of hate or rage, but from profound love and compassion for his friend. It was a choice that would leave an indelible mark on his soul, but one he knew was necessary.

With the fateful trigger pull, Lennie’s life came to an end, bringing with it a sorrowful closure to the narrative. It was an intimate moment of grief, but also one of acceptance and understanding. Ultimately, George did what he believed was right, for Lennie and for himself, underscoring the tragic but unshakeable bonds of their friendship.

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How Does Of Mice And Men End?. (2023, Jun 21). Retrieved from