How Long Did the Roman Empire Last?

Updated: June 09, 2023
The Roman Empire officially ended in 476 AD, although it had been in decline for several hundred years before that.
Detailed answer:

The Roman Empire was one of the largest empires in world history. It began with the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus in 753 BCE, but it didn’t become a unified empire until 27 BCE when Augustus became the first Roman Emperor. The Roman Empire officially ended in 476 CE. Between these dates, the Roman Empire was one of the largest empires in world history— it stretched from Spain to Britain (England), from France to Turkey (Turkey) and even into northern Africa as far as Egypt!

The Roman Empire lasted for more than 1,500 years and had a major impact on European and Western history. The Romans were able to conquer most of Europe due to their military strength, technology and organizational skills. They were also known for their architecture, literature and law.

The Romans were well known for their engineering skills and they built many impressive buildings such as roads, aqueducts and bridges that are still standing today.

The fall of Rome did not happen overnight nor was it unexpected. It took several centuries for Rome’s glory to fade away but by 476 CE, it had lost its power over much of Europe and North Africa due to invasions by Germanic tribes such as Franks and Vandals who established their own kingdoms within the territory once controlled by Rome.

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