How Were Akkad and Babylon Alike and Different?

Updated: February 10, 2023
Akkad and Babylon were both ancient Mesopotamian civilizations. They were similar in that they were both located in the Fertile Crescent and both had complex irrigation systems. They were different in that Akkad was centered in the northern part of Mesopotamia while Babylon was in the southern part. Akkad was also the first empire in Mesopotamia while Babylon was a kingdom.
Detailed answer:

Akkad and Babylon are often mentioned in the same breath when discussing ancient Mesopotamian civilizations. Both of these cities have a long, storied history that has captivated people for centuries. Akkad was located in the northern part of Mesopotamia while Babylon was located in the southern part. However, they were both still considered part of the Fertile Crescent, which is a region stretching from modern-day Turkey in the north to Iraq in the south. This region is known for its abundant resources and rich soil.

Akkad was an empire governed by Sargon of Akkad, who is widely considered to be one of the earliest rulers of a unified nation-state in world history. On the other hand, Babylon was a kingdom ruled by King Hammurabi, who introduced one of the first written law codes known as “The Code of Hammurabi.” Although both cities had complex governmental structures with laws and regulations, they differed significantly in their approaches to governance.

Both Akkad and Babylon were advanced civilizations that employed complex irrigation systems. These systems allowed them to control water flow and take advantage of natural resources such as rivers for farming purposes.

As you can see, there are some key differences between Akkad and Babylon despite their similar geographic locations. Each city had its own distinct governmental structure, its own approach to engineering complex irrigation systems, and its own unique place in history that has made it stand out among other ancient civilizations from this period in time.

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