What is Diction in Literature?

Updated: June 09, 2023
Diction is a writer's choice of words. It can include the writer's level of vocabulary, formality, and word choice.
Detailed answer:

The dictionary defines diction as “the choice of words used in a text.” This definition is accurate, but it doesn’t explain everything that diction encompasses. In its most common sense, diction refers to the style and level of language used in a piece of writing. A text’s diction can be formal, informal, colloquial, or dialectical.

Diction is important because the way we use words influences our mood and how people perceive us. If you want to sound intelligent or professional, then you should use words that are more complex than those used by everyday people.

The word “diction” comes from the Latin word dictio meaning “utterance”. Diction refers to the choice of words used by an author or speaker when writing or speaking. It refers to the author’s or speaker’s command of language. The author has control over what words he/she uses in his/her writing; they choose one word over another based on how they want their reader to perceive their work: if they want their piece to sound more serious and professional than informal then they will choose different words from those who want their piece to sound casual and relaxed.

When we talk about diction in literature, we’re talking about the way that the writer uses words.

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