Huckleberry Finn is a classic American novel that follows the adventures of a young boy from the American South during the 1800s. The book was written by Mark Twain, who used the pseudonym Samuel Clemens.
Huck lives with his abusive father and stepmother on a small farm near Hannibal, Missouri. The boy wants to run away from home but is afraid that if he does, he will be caught and forced to go back home. He finally decides to run away with Jim, a runaway slave who has been hiding out at their house. The pair go on an adventure down the Mississippi River, encountering many different people. Throughout his travels, Huck becomes more and more aware of the harsh realities of life. However, Huck seems to enjoy being free so much that he chooses not to return home when he has the chance.
The story takes place during a time of significant social change in America. Slavery had been illegal in Missouri since 1821 and was no longer allowed by law at this point (although it was still common practice). The Civil War had ended just seven years before Huckleberry Finn was published, and slavery officially ended with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865.
This story has been adapted into many different formats over time: novels, plays, movies, and television shows are just some examples, among many others.
What is Huckleberry Finn About?
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