What is Surrealism?

Updated: January 26, 2023
1. Surrealism is an art movement that began in the early 1920s. 2. It is characterized by its use of unexpected and often dreamlike images.
Detailed answer:

The term “surrealism” was coined by the French poet André Breton in 1924 when he wrote a manifesto about his aims for the movement.

Breton’s surrealist manifesto was published in Le Surréalisme et la Peinture (Surrealism and Painting). He described surrealism as “pure psychic automatism.” This concept was later clarified by Breton’s friend, Louis Aragon, who said that it meant “the freedom to dream.”

The origins of surrealism can be traced back to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. Freud believed that dreams were an important part of human life and could provide insight into our unconscious minds.

Surrealist artworks often feature unexpected juxtapositions and dreamlike imagery. The movement was inspired by Freud’s theory of the unconscious mind, which postulated that human thoughts are often hidden from awareness yet have a powerful influence on our behavior. Surrealist artists seek to tap into this realm of ideas with their artworks. They also sought to shock spectators into questioning their assumptions about reality and to challenge conventional notions of beauty and normality.

Surrealists were interested in exploring dreams, fantasy, and imagination rather than trying to accurately represent reality in their paintings, drawings, photographs, or sculptures. Some of the most famous surrealist artists include Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, and Max Ernst.

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