What is Task-Centered Approach?

Updated: January 18, 2023
The task-centered approach is a problem-solving method used by social workers. It is a goal-oriented approach that focuses on solving the client's immediate problem.
Detailed answer:

The task-centered approach is an intervention model that focuses on goals and objectives rather than diagnosis and treatment methods.

The task-centered approach was developed by Robert L. Kahn, who believed that social work tasks were best accomplished by helping clients reach their goals. It also takes into consideration client strengths and weaknesses in order to help them achieve their ultimate goal.

The task-centered approach is based on the belief that social workers should concentrate on the client’s immediate needs and concerns. The focus of the intervention is on problem solving, not on emotional support or counseling.

For example, the task-centered approach would not consider whether a person is fearful of failing at a task or whether he or she has an aversion to certain kinds of work because it’s too difficult or boring.

Social workers using this approach would focus on what they needed from the client in order to help them achieve their goals. This means that instead of focusing on treating the symptoms of a disorder or illness, they would focus on working with clients so they can become independent members of society again (or for the first time).

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