What is The External Conflict In “To Build a Fire”?

Updated: June 09, 2023
The External Conflict In "To Build a Fire" is the protagonist's battle against the cold weather. He is constantly fighting against the elements, and ultimately loses his battle.
Detailed answer:

The external conflict in “To Build a Fire” is the unnamed protagonist’s battle against the elements, which he ultimately loses. This story is set in the Yukon Territory during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when thousands of people flocked to the area hoping to strike it rich. The protagonist is an inexperienced traveler who has no knowledge of how to survive in such harsh conditions. As he travels through the wilderness, he is caught in a blizzard and must contend with subzero temperatures, limited visibility, and snow that quickly covers up any tracks he leaves behind him—all while trying to build a fire so that he can keep warm. He struggles against nature’s power throughout the story until he succumbs to hypothermia and dies alone in the woods.
The internal conflict of “To Build a Fire” is that the protagonist has been traveling alone for days with no food or shelter. This presents him with an internal dilemma: Should he continue his journey, knowing that it will probably result in his death? Or should he turn back now before it’s too late?
The story illustrates how arrogance and lack of preparation can lead to a person’s demise. In addition, “To Build a Fire” is a cautionary tale about underestimating the power of nature.
“To Build a Fire” has been widely praised for its realism and psychological insights, which have led many critics to consider it one of Jack London’s most accomplished works.

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What is The External Conflict In “To Build a Fire”?. (2022, Nov 26). Retrieved from
