What Two Principles Did Confucius Believe People Should Follow?

Updated: March 08, 2023
Confucius believed that people should follow the principles of ren and yi.
Detailed answer:

Confucius believed that people should follow the principles of ren and yi. The word ren means benevolence, kindness, humaneness, or goodness. It is often translated as “humanity.” The word yi means righteousness, justice, morality, or correctness.

Ren is an important concept in Confucianism and is generally translated as benevolence or humanity. In the Analects, it is regarded as one of the four cardinal virtues (the others being ritual propriety or li, justice or yi and wisdom or zhi) and has been defined as treating others with kindness and consideration while maintaining a moral purity within oneself.

More specifically, ren refers to a high level of goodness or excellence that one strives for in order to perfect oneself spiritually. Ren is necessary for the development of a healthy society because it inspires people to be good citizens who are worthy of respect and honor.

Yi is another principle that Confucius taught his disciples to follow. This means being honest and doing what is morally right even when no one else will know about it. Confucius believed that it was important for people to be true to themselves and do what was right even if it meant going against what everyone else was doing at the time.

Confucius believed that people should follow these rules because he thought they would lead to a better society. He also believed that following these principles would help people achieve happiness and inner peace.

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