Which Kind of Inequality Did Jean-Jacques Rousseau Believe Would Always Exist?

Updated: April 19, 2023
Rousseau believed that inequality would always exist between the rich and the poor.
Detailed answer:

Rousseau believed that inequality would always exist between the rich and the poor. He believed that this was not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, he believed that inequality was necessary for society to function properly.

Philosopher believed that the rich and poor should be separated from one another in order to maintain order in society. He believed that allowing the poor to mingle with the rich would cause problems because of the different ways they live. This could lead to conflict between them, which would lead to trouble for everyone involved.

He believed that people were naturally different in their talents, skills, and intelligence. Some people would be born with natural advantages over others in life, he claimed. The rich were those who had these natural advantages and were able to use them to gain wealth and power over others. The poor were those who did not have these advantages and therefore could not earn as much money or influence as others could through their own hard work or ingenuity.

While Rousseau believed that inequality was necessary for society, he also thought it was important for everyone to have an equal amount of opportunity available to them. He argued that if everyone had equal opportunity then they would have an equal chance at achieving success in life.

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Which Kind of Inequality Did Jean-Jacques Rousseau Believe Would Always Exist?. (2023, Apr 19). Retrieved from
