Which Sentence About Amy Tan’S Mother in “Fish Cheeks” Has The Most Positive Connotation?

Updated: June 11, 2023
The sentence, "She was the only woman in town who could wear a cheongsam that well," has the most positive connotation. The sentence implies that Amy's mother is stylish and confident.
Detailed answer:

The sentence, “She was the only woman in town who could wear a cheongsam that well,” has the most positive connotation. The sentence implies that Amy’s mother is stylish and confident.

The first implication is that she is accepting and loving. She doesn’t care about what people think or say about her and she doesn’t try to fit into any mold. She does what she wants because she knows it makes her happy and that’s all that matters.

The second implication is that she is always there for her daughter. She supports Amy in everything she does, even when it means standing up to her husband and other adults in town to do so.

The third implication is that she is a great cook. She cooks delicious meals for her family every night and makes sure everyone enjoys their time together over dinner because it’s important to her that they do so.

The fourth implication is that she’s very supportive of Amy’s dreams even though they seem impossible at times. She pushes her daughter to pursue them anyway because she believes in her abilities as well as the potential growth they can bring out of both mother and daughter together (as seen through their relationship).

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Which Sentence About Amy Tan’S Mother in “Fish Cheeks” Has The Most Positive Connotation?. (2023, Jun 11). Retrieved from
