Who Built Stonehenge?

Updated: June 09, 2023
No one knows exactly who built Stonehenge, but it is thought that it was built by the early inhabitants of Britain over 5,000 years ago.
Detailed answer:

Stonehenge is an ancient stone monument located in Wiltshire, England. It is one of the most famous sites in the world and was built during the Neolithic period (about 3,000 BC).

The structure consists of a circular setting of large standing stones surrounded by a circular ditch. Archaeologists believe it was used as a burial ground for the elite of the region (probably kings or important nobles).

Since its discovery in 1740, Stonehenge has been shrouded in mystery. The exact purpose of these stones remains unknown; they may have been used as an astronomical observatory or as markers for religious ceremonies.

There is no single accepted theory as to what purpose it served. Some believe it was a religious site while others argue that it was simply built as a monument to celebrate life. By studying its position and orientation, scientists have concluded that Stonehenge may have been used as an observatory by ancient astronomers studying the movement of heavenly bodies.

Even though no one knows exactly who built Stonehenge, it’s thought that it was built by the early inhabitants of Britain over 5,000 years ago. The earliest known human activity at Stonehenge dates to about 2400 BC when people started burying their dead there instead of using barrows or cairns nearby.

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