Why Did Lao Tzu Establish Taoism?

Updated: June 09, 2023
Lao Tzu felt that the way of the Tao was the way of nature, and that by aligning with it, one could achieve a state of harmony and balance.
Detailed answer:

Lao Tzu felt that the way of the Tao was the way of nature, and that by aligning with it, one could achieve a state of harmony and balance. He also believed that this alignment should be done without interfering with nature or trying to change it.

Philosopher felt that the way of the Tao was the way of nature (including plants and animals), and that by aligning with it, one could achieve a state of harmony and balance. He believed this was true even for human beings: if we follow our natural instincts instead of trying to control everything around us, we will find peace.

The Tao Te Ching is written in poetic form, with no punctuation or chapter divisions. It can be read as a series of individual poems or as a single work. The Tao Te Ching is one of the most influential books in history and has been translated into English more than any other book except the Bible.

In fact, Lao Tzu’s teachings were meant to be applied to everyday life, not just studied or memorized. He encouraged people to use their own intuition rather than following rules and regulations set down by others. Lao Tzu’s philosophy has been found useful by many people over thousands of years, including religious leaders such as Jesus Christ and Buddha; philosophers like Friedrich Nietzsche; writers like Hermann Hesse; artists like Andy Warhol; musicians like John Lennon; athletes like Michael Jordan; and even politicians like Barack Obama.

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