Why Were Followers of Romanticism Unhappy About The in dustrial Revolution and The Enlightenment?

Updated: May 08, 2023
The followers of romanticism were unhappy about the industrial revolution because it brought about mass production and the enlightenment because it brought reason and logic.
Detailed answer:

The industrial revolution and the Enlightenment were so influential that they changed the way we understand the world, ourselves, and our place in it. But they also caused a lot of unhappiness among followers of Romanticism.

Romantics believed that humanity was at its best when it was connected to nature. They thought people should be able to feel their emotions deeply and imagine new things with their imagination.

But when it came to the Enlightenment, they thought people should focus on reason and science instead of emotion or intuition. And they thought that people should make decisions based on facts rather than gut instinct.

The industrial revolution led to more urbanization, which meant that many people lived far away from nature. They also lived in cities where pollution levels were high and there weren’t many opportunities for physical activity outside of work hours (unless you were wealthy enough to own your own horse). As a result, many Romantics felt more disconnected from nature than ever before—and this made them unhappy about the state of society as a whole because it meant fewer opportunities for community-building activities like hunting or farming together

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Why Were Followers of Romanticism Unhappy About The in dustrial Revolution and The Enlightenment?. (2023, May 08). Retrieved from
