Representationof Women & Ideas of Morality In The Revenger’s Tragedy

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The Revenger’s Tragedy, written by Thomas Middleton in 1607, effectively explores various themes and ideas that reflect society. The play presents a commentary on society through its portrayal of women and their moral implications. Middleton’s work contains multiple layers, and upon closer examination, reveals complex and subversive concepts influenced by the social context. While the play depicts women in different ways, these representations are interconnected. Most of these depictions carry negative social and moral connotations, but underneath the surface, there may be some sympathetically feminist perspectives. Despite the limited number of female characters and their seemingly minor dramatic roles, they play a crucial part in driving the plot and are the motive behind almost every action. Gloriana’s death drives Vindice, the Duchess influences the actions of the nobles, and Castiza motivates Lussurioso and Hippolito. Therefore, it is evident that women possess significant power in the play.It is crucial to acknowledge that the women in the play do not intentionally seek conflict; however, they may inadvertently prompt the male characters to engage in it, thus emphasizing their misconception of these women as insignificant. Most, if not all, male characters in the play possess strong anti-feminist beliefs, perceiving women mostly as “ma”.

Despite the interesting concept that justice should prevail, it is unfortunate that it seldom does. Instead, individuals often take matters into their own hands. For instance, Hippolito remarks on the absence of action following Antonio’s wife’s rape and suicide, stating “Small cares speak out, greater ones are struck dumb” (A1, S4, L23; also from Seneca’s ‘Hippolytus’ line 607). This highlights society’s inherent disregard for honor and how many disregard the underlying problems at hand. The Revenger’s Tragedy provides an insightful commentary on society through its varied themes, ideas, and values. It acts as a mirror reflecting the social context of the time, especially concerning women representation and moral concepts.

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Representationof Women & Ideas of Morality In The Revenger’s Tragedy. (2018, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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