Social Welfare: Wic Schema

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Social Justice and Ethics are the motivations behind the creation of welfare programs in America, which aim to aid those who are in need due to social stratification. An example of such a program is WIC, which offers a supplemental nutrition program. WIC provides participants with free access to nutritious food, nutritional counseling, and various social services related to health.

The program is funded by the federal government and receives an annual allocation from congress. The funding is distributed by the Food and Nutrition Service to WIC state agencies, who are responsible for distributing WIC foods, offering nutrition counseling and education, and managing administrative expenses. WIC operates in all fifty states, as well as thirty three Indian Tribal Organizations, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

The WIC program is operated by 88 state agencies, receiving assistance from 2,200 local agencies and 9,000 clinic sites. Monthly, more than 7.5 million individuals are beneficiaries of WIC. It is approximated that the program serves around 93% of eligible women, infants, and children (Caan 1997). Studies show that the WIC program has significantly contributed to improving birth outcomes and controlling healthcare costs.

Research has demonstrated the beneficial effects of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program on children’s diets and associated outcomes. This program effectively enhances the consumption of crucial nutrients like iron, vitamin C, thiamin, niacin, and vitamin B6 without increasing energy intake. Furthermore, WIC outperforms other forms of cash income or food stamps in enhancing nutrient intake among preschoolers while not negatively impacting fat or cholesterol levels. Caan (1997) highlights that WIC consistently strives to enhance its programs and consistently makes a significant difference in the lives of low-income mothers and children.

WIC offers valuable counseling and a plentiful supply of nutritious food for individuals in society who are most in need. While WIC is highly advantageous, it has some lesser-known latent functions that may not be beneficial to its participants or the program itself. Nonetheless, it is hopeful that WIC will continue to receive adequate funding and assist families for many years to come. Undeniably, the benefits of the WIC program outweigh its deficiencies.

References: Caan, B. (1997). Benefits associated with WIC supplemental feeding during the inter-pregnancy interval. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 40(15), 579-585.

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Social Welfare: Wic Schema. (2018, Mar 01). Retrieved from

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