Unethical Use of Computers: Computer Ethics

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The article discusses the importance of computer ethics and how it relates to intellectual property. It explains that copying materials from the internet and claiming them as one’s own is a violation of computer ethics and intellectual property laws. The concept of computer ethics is relevant for ordinary citizens and those whose work involves the use of computer technology. The article also discusses the history of computer ethics, including the Code of Fair Use of Information introduced in the United States, and how various ethical codes have been established to regulate the handling of computers. It concludes by emphasizing the need for individuals and companies to be familiar with the basic principles of computer ethics and for actions to be taken to consolidate computer ethics standards as general imperative postulates of legislation.

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Have you copied materials from the internet and claims that it is your own Andalusia them as an assignment? If you have, you are reaching the computer code of conducts (manners). In other word, you are breaking the law of intellectual property by stealing someone else’s idea. Intellectual proprietresses to any products of human intellect that is unique and has a value in thematic place.

Now computers are used everywhere, and therefore the concept of computer ethics is extremely relevant for most ordinary citizens, and even more so for people whose work responsibilities are related to the use of computer technology. That is why both managers and subordinates in departments where computers are used need to be familiar with the basic principles of computer ethics. The issue of computer ethics and computer law is even more relevant for companies and individuals whose activities are directly related to the development of various software or practical technical solutions in the information sphere.

The first regulatory document that had a significant impact on the formation of computer ethics as a separate area of ​​ethics was the Code of Fair Use of Information, introduced in the United States by the Department of Health and Human Services. The basic provisions of this code primarily concerned the storage and processing of personal data, but became the basis for the further functioning of the entire international system of computer ethics.

With the development of the world community, other ethical codes arose that regulated the handling of computers. Basically, most of these documents are completely informal codes, the mandatory implementation of which is not supported by legislative regulations. At the same time, given the pace of computerization, in many countries of the world both separate codes of ethics concerning the handling of computer equipment are being adopted, and actions are being taken to consolidate computer ethics standards as general imperative postulates of legislation.

Also, individual measures governing computer ethics issues are often established at the local level. For example, it could be the netiquette of certain online communities. Or – the principles of corporate ethics when dealing with computer equipment in any individual enterprise.

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Unethical Use of Computers: Computer Ethics. (2018, Feb 01). Retrieved from


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