We Do Not Need Anymore Sweatshops In This World

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A Sweatshop is a place where people work either in poor conditions, difficulty and dangerous conditions, lack of benefits for workers, child labor or a person being paid less than the work they’ve done. Sweatshops are all over the world and they were very popular during past times. Most people believe that sweatshops should not exist anymore in today’s world. There are not as much as there were in the past but if you go to the right place you can surely find them. There are a lot of workplaces that break one of these laws, the most common is lack of benefits and the least common is child labor. Although sweatshops break a lot of these rules and are not as common anymore they should still be illegal and I believe more people need to stand up and speak against it.

According to the world counts, ‘A sweatshop is defined by the Department of Labor as a factory which violates 2 or more labor laws. It has 3 characteristics – low pay, long brutal hours and unhealthy working conditions.’ If you look and walk in a sweatshop you will see that most of their workers are children and not adults there that was before they started cracking down on sweatshops. Now there has been a decline on child labor in the past years there have been 1 in 6 children between the ages of 5 to 14 years old are still in some form of child labor in developing countries.'(the world counts,2014,2). Sweatshops love employing children in their companies because it saves them money, children have smaller wages than adults and there will be fewer problems if you hire children because they are not going to complain about the working conditions. I believe this is another reason why the world should not have more sweatshops because it is robbing our future there are kids that don’t get to attend school and make a life for themselves because they are stuck in sweatshops working at a very small age.

Sweatshops are not very popular in America. You can find several of them but for the most part, they are pretty much unpopular. There are five countries that still have a large population of sweatshops including China, Bangladesh, Romania, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. These are all countries that are still developing and fighting certain laws that America is not and so sweatshops can be more convenient for them. After reading an article from benfitof.net I found that sweatshop owners open them to reduce the poverty and malnutrition rate. Sweatshops do interfere with keeping people off the street but as much as it helps it also destroys.

Sweatshops wouldn’t probably be all that bad if they had great working conditions,but they don’t they just build a building and have people work in them they don’t check to see if its safe for their employees, they only care about if the job is getting done the way that they want it to get done. In 2013 there was ‘1,000 plus people killed and 2,500 plus people injured by the collapse of the Rana Plaza sweatshop in Bangladesh.'(Bowman,2015,4)This goes to show that the owners of these sweatshops doesn’t care about the safety of their employees, because if they did the owner of the sweatshop in Bangladesh would have knew that the building he had people working in wasn’t that strong and was not going to hold up that much longer, or he knew but if he tried to fix it up or get a new building it would have cost him a lot more money which would have taken away from his self-benefits.

Above is a relevant example of why these things can be so risky and dangerous for workers. Sweatshops will never be a good idea. Some people may work in a sweatshop because they aren’t able to get a regular job due to things like background check fails, mental illnesses and etc. the big picture is these people should not be treated poorly because of the situations they are in or things going on with them. It is understood that sweatshops are not mandatory and people do have a choice if they want to work there or not but it can also be a hard choice that people shouldn’t have to worry and they should be comfortable with their working environment as far as cleanliness and who they are working for. A sweatshop is not a hard place to start work the only requirement is that you are going to do work. So it can indeed be a guaranteed job for those who need a last resort. I don’t believe that sweatshops should be banned but I do believe that they need to have rules and guidelines to follow for the sake of the workers.

The biggest user of sweatshops are clothing companies there are really big companies that use sweatshops and some are H&M, Zara, Forever 21, GAP, Adidas and Victoria Secret(Reese,2016,1))these are big-time companies, but the thing they do different commits to their employees safety and commit to green safety. If the other sweatshops in the world commit to the things that they commit to It wouldn’t be a problem with sweatshops because they would be run like regular businesses and care about their employees, but they don’t and that’s why I believe that there should not be any more sweatshops added in this world.

The only bad thing about sweatshops is that they have horrible work conditions for employees, which is something that no human being should ever support, and the biggest negative about them is how they look to hire children to work because they would cost them less money. If the owner of sweatshops could come together and make better working condition for employees and stop robbing the future of our world by hiring children I will support adding more sweatshops,but until they make the change my answer will always be no because the way humans are treated is more important than the amount of money an owner will make off of people.

Reference Page

Bowman, S. (2015, July 29). Sweatshops make poor people better off. Retrieved from https://www.adamsmith.org/blog/international/sweatshops-make-poor-people-better-off
Child Labour in Sweatshops. (2014, July 7). Retrieved November 26, 2018, from http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/Child-Labour-in-Sweatshops
Reese, A. (2016, May 1). 11 Of Your Favorite Clothing Brands That Use Sweatshop Labor. Retrieved November 26, 2018, from http://www.gurl.com/2016/05/01/clothing-stores-and-brands-that-use-sweatshop-labor/

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