A Project to Prevent Violence Against Women

Table of Content

This section ofthe project will discuss the actual course of the entire project. The specific goals and objectives that the project seeks to accomplish will be analyzed. The particular activities that will be undertaken to achieve these goals will also form a significant part of this discussion. The involved parties and the expected outcomes will also be discussed n the study. The project framework and its accommodation for people with special needs such as the disabled, deaf, blind and dump and those with limited English command is also a vital component of this project. In general, this section covers how the plan will be mplemented, who will be involved, how various parties will be engaged, when and what are he expected outcomes.

Project Goals and Objectives

This project is based on fighting violence against women, more specific in the state of West Virginia. The general aim is to enhance impartial justice to the women who fall victims of violence. Among the specific objectives include:-

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  • To ensure that cases of violence against women such as sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence and gender violence are detected and reported to the law enforcement agencies on time.
  • To make the process of apprehending those involved in violence against women more effective and efficient.
  • To ensure that the victims of violence against women get justice in the court. This justice is for all, even those who lack the resources to finance the court proceedings since this is a charity project. The project also has a goal to ensure the safety of the victims before, during and after the court rulings concerning their case.
  • To help the victims of violence against women in immigration process where need be.

Although the projected is centred towards law enforcement and courts, it will also engage in auxiliary activities. These will include links where necessary the violence against women to other services of help such as temporary shelter and medication by referring them to the concerned parties. To achieve these goals, some activities will be involved. Among these activities are the training of prosecutors, police officers, judges and public personnel. A total of 160 national staff will be trained. ‘These personals will be trained on the various ways of addressing violence against women. Among the provisions of this training will be the public relation, how to solve and direct victims of violence to the relevant authorities such as the courts and the law enforcement. This personnel will be distributed randomly to the eighty major cities of West Virginia which include Fairmont, Vienna, Huntington, Hurricane, Kenova, Westover, Salem, Chester, and Logan among others. The actual responsibilities of the public personnel will be the creation of awareness to the public on the existence of the project, and what entails the project. They will feed the people and concerned parties, not limited to those with disabilities and poor English command, with information on how to access the services. These personnel will have direct links to the law enforcement agencies like police within their areas of jurisdiction, the court personnel and auxiliary service provides healthcare and violence shelter providers.

The project will also make an addition to the existing prosecution officers in the line of violence against women. There are already existing courts which specifically deal with issues concerning violence against women (Bastress Jr, 2016). This project will make the addition of 20 judges, 40 magistrates and 40 prosecutors. This will be summed with the existing judges and magistrates to make the court proceedings more effective. Seminars will be undertaken, for all the prosecutors in the line of fighting violence against women. This will comprise of the newly hired and the already existing prosecutors. The seminars will consist of how to gather information from the victims, suspects and the police report to file cases related to violence against women. The prosecutors will be trained how to meet and handle the involved parties within the given timeline in the violence against Women Act. Although this might act as a reminder to those serving in a similar capacity, the training will accommodate new provisions and ethical concerns that have been raised by related projects such as STOP.

The forty magistrates and additional twenty judges will also be trained. The training will comprise of the provisions of the constitution concerning violence against women. Based on the changing nature of human life, there has been the emergence of other activities that involve violence against women. Such concerns include cyberbullying, campus assaults and stalking. It is a fact that these new forms of violence against women are not detailed in the constitution (Debnam, Waasdorp and Bradshaw, 2016). The training will incorporate these, and shed some light on the magistrates and judges on how to handle these among other cases. Through the training, the judges and magistrates will get to know the reviewed fines entailed to those found guilty of particular offences and violence against women. They will also be informed of the involved parties such as the public personnel, the police, and prosecutors and how to coordinate for successful implementation of the project. They will also be trained on how to handle cases assault that involves challenged parties such as disabled women, the deaf and the dump.

Law enforcement agencies are paramount to this project. According to Martin, (2017) the critical responsibility of the policing department is to maintain law and order. Fighting violence against women is in line with the duties and responsibilities of the police. However, their training is usually general and do not take into detailed consideration how to investigate these particular cases of violence against women. In general, the police have been trained on how to apprehend and interrogate suspects to prepare the police report. This project will conduct a seminar to 480 police officers who are in the line of Gender Violence. These seminars will major on detection and investigation of crimes related to violence against women. The group will be trained on how to collect and preserve evidence about violence against women and girls, apprehending and interrogating suspects of such crimes, and the format of preparing the report to be presented to the prosecutor or magistrate.

The police will be equipped with investigation gadgets and communication devices through which the public may reach them in case they fall victims of violence. The police will also be entitled to provide security to victims. The project will not compromise victimisation or threatening of the victims of violence by the suspects. The police will keep a close range of the victims before and after the cases are ruled, to provide the victims with necessary security and enhance the victim’s safety. The project personnel will also help the victims to access immigration services in case their security is compromised beyond police control.

Among other tangible products that will entail this project are flyers to create public awareness. The brochures will also go hand in hand with advertisements in Major televisions and social forums to inform entire West Virginia on this project, the beneficiaries and how to access its services. Before the training, the trainers will develop a curriculum based on the ways to efficiently fight violence against women. This curriculum will incorporate the constitutional provisions, the society views, the code of conduct of the police about the violence against women and the requirements of the project towards the fight against violence against women.

Among other documentation will be the time deadline for the project. This is a three- year project that will run across the 36 months of the grant provision duration. At the first month, the public officers will be trained. After their training, other officers such as prosecutors, magistrate, judges and police will be trained in the following month. These training will go hand in hand with the advertisements in social media and televisions. Within the first three months after the grant is disbursed, all the concerned parties will have been trained and equipped to commence their duties. The commercials and advertisements will run for three months, after which an evaluation will be done to the way the level of awareness in the society and the need for more publicity. After the first year, an assessment of the project impact will be done to measure its achievements and establish the need for improvements if any. It is expected that after the 36 months, the women in West Virginia who will have faced violence will get justice, with an anticipated decline of the violence against women to at most 3% of the total cases of violence presented.


  1. Bastress Jr, R. M. (2016). The West Virginia State Constitution. Oxford University Press.
  2. Debnam, K. J., Waasdorp, T. E., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2016). Examining the contemporaneous occurrence of bullying and teen dating violence victimization. School psychology quarterly, 31(1), 76.
  3. Martin, D. (2017). Reducing Officer-Involved Domestic Violence: What Works?. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly, 10(1).

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A Project to Prevent Violence Against Women. (2023, May 31). Retrieved from


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