About The Decisions, I Have To Make Related To My Career Plan

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In my time at KU, I would like to have successfully completed all my courses and graduated in 4 years. Also in that time I would have liked to establish a stable social group of friends and people that I can rely on always. But id rather not fail or even get a D in any of my classes at KU, I want to try really hard here, and do what I know I am capable of doing. I know there will be many distractions, but I want to be able to complete my schoolwork, while having as much fun as possible.

My career plan, as of right now is a little skeptical, I still am undecided in my major, but have been leaning towards a business finance or possibly a psychology major. But I am taking personal finance right now, as well as psychology to help me make my decision is both of those fields. Or if another thing makes me change my mind on both of those I am open to both.

In a business career field, the skills I imagine I will need will be more focused on being good with numbers. As well as being able to work with people, have an organized life style. In a psychology career field the skills I would need, is probably more focused towards patience, also being able to be very good with people, a good listener, someone who is organized and willing to help.

The experiences I want through college academically, is the feeling that I am getting all my work done in class, and doing well on tests, I want to be able to get help if I need it. Also, make friends inside that class that I can also ask for help with that stuff. Personally I just want to have as much as I can in college and make good friends and have great experiences and memories that I can always remember. I would like to just make as much friends as possible, and be a reliable guy for everyone that I know.

Most people know me for a very outgoing guy that isn’t afraid to talk to any audience about anything. But there are people that know me as a shy introverted kid that doesn’t speak much at all. The only reason, I do not in those situations is because I’m in an uncomfortable situation. I would like to get better at talking a lot even when I am uncomfortable. Also, my procrastinating skills, I need better help on, I need to start developing a schedule every day for when to do my work instead of waiting till last minute. 

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